Chapter 25: Fun In The Sun

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

My phone would not stop beeping from a steady stream of incoming text messages.  I rolled over, looking at the time realizing that I had to get up and "go to work" soon.

I reached over and grabbed my phone off the side table, scrolling through 34 new messages.

Ashton: Hey are you awake?

Ashton: Get up right now

Ashton: Roxieeee seriously are you still sleeping?

Ashton: Roxie. Rox. Pebble. Stone. Omg get up.

Ashton: Don't make me come over to your house and wake you up.

The text messages were all of a similar fashion, but I continued to scroll through them, reading each one as new ones came popping in.

I put the phone on silent, and laid back down.  My head was throbbing from last night.  Dinner with Evan didn't go so well, actually that was using terms lightly.  My life was officially the new living hell.

Let's just say that I didn't exactly handle everything like I should of.  Once Evan left the restaurant from our "talk" I may have ordered a drink too many.

I don't think I've ever drank that much, but yesterday was the exception.  Hell, I probably would have kept drinking but I knew I had to function enough to get home.

Once I got home though, I snuck down to my parents secret wine cellar downstairs (I never understood why we couldn't have a normal basement like everyone else), and grabbed a bottle taking it up to my room.  I popped the cork and drank to drown my sorrows.

It wasn't my smartest idea, but at the time it seemed like a damn good plan...until I woke up this morning.

I don't even know what compelled me to turn to alcohol.  I could have just went home and threw a temper tantrum and cried until my mascara was running down my face.  But last night, I wanted to be reckless just because.

I saw my phone lighting up on the side table from the corner of my eye.  I picked it up and saw Ashton's name and number scrolled across the top with a goofy picture of himself that he set as his contact photo for me.

"Oh my gosh you're finally awake.  It's like a Christmas miracle, only it's not Christmas."  

I laughed, "Good morning to you too Ashton."

I heard people talking in the back while he was rustling with some sort of papers, "Hey what are you doing today?"

I laid back down, pulling the covers up around me with my free hand, "Leaving my house to go to work, duh."

"But Roxie we don't have..." then it hit him, "Ohhhhh code words.  I get it.  No you're not going to spend another day by yourself, you're coming out with me."

I don't know if my throbbing headache could handle Ashton's bubble of happiness today.  I think I just wanted to stay in my own personal bubble of misery and doom today.

"Um no it's okay." I finally responded

He scuffed, "Nonsense.  It will be fun, trust me.  Are you ready now?"

I needed an excuse fast, "No I'm not, I'm not ready at all.  It's gonna be awhile, I wouldn't want to make you wait."

He giggled, "What could you possibly have to do?"

"Ummm I didn't have coffee yet."

"I'll buy you coffee."

"I need a shower."

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