Chapter 8: Heartbreak Girl

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I called Evan early this morning and invited him to go out to breakfast with me.  I wanted to tell him face to face about the medical conference and that I would be gone for most of the week.  I called a few times and got his voice mail each time.  It was very unlike him to have his phone off like that.  He has barely talked to me the past few days and I was leaving soon.  

I kept going with my usual routine and headed to work.  It was weird not seeing Ashton in the lab today.   He had the day off since there wasn't much for him to do and it was unusually quiet.  I hated to say it...but I kind of missed not having him around.  

The past few days he has been constantly teasing me about the trip.  He must have sent me at least 7 various picture messages reminding me about it.  One had a picture of his empty suitcase with the caption Look, look it's empty ready to be filled for MIAMI. Another one had a heap of dirty laundry that said, Washing my clothes getting ready for MIAMI. He was so excited, and I had to admit, I was excited too.  

When I got home, Evan was sitting at the dining room table with my mom, having a glass of wine.  I said hi to Patricia in the kitchen and then went into the dining room to interrupt them.  I was irritated that he didn't call me back, but he had the time to go to my house and have a drink with my mother.  

"Hello my dear."  he greeted me as he stood up, giving me a quick kiss.  

"Hi, how come you didn't call me back today?  I wanted to go to breakfast with you.  I thought it would be nice since we haven't seen each other."  I said, not wanting to waste any time with some bull shit chit chat.

"Sorry, it was a late night at the office last night and I slept in."  he said.

"Oh Evan. you're such a hard worker."  my mother praised, taking another sip of her wine.  Ugh, she really didn't need to put her opinion in at a time like this.  Actually let me rephrase that, she never should put her opinion in, at any time.

"I'm going to go put my stuff upstairs."  I announced obnoxiously as I picked my shoes off the floor that I had taken off, along with my purse and stomped up the stairs.

A few seconds later Evan stepped into my bedroom, "What's wrong?  Are you mad at me?"

"Yeah, I actually am.  I have barely seen you, you don't text or call me back anymore, and I'm not going to be here the next few days and I'm going to miss you."  I said with frustration.

"Wait, where are you going?"  he asked

"I'm going to a medical conference in Miami.  I'm leaving Sunday and won't be back till Saturday.  I would have told you if you had answered your phone."  I stated, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What?  You can't's such short notice..."

"No, I am going.  You go on business trips all the time, so stop with your ridiculous double standard."  

"Roxie, I have my own business I have to go on trips, yours is just a medical conference, there's a difference.  Plus you're probably taking your little intern, right?"

Now I was pissed, "No there is no difference!  How dare you insult my job?  Your job is no better than mine, and at least I was trying to give you some notice to when I was going to leave.  It's not my fault you didn't pick up the phone.  You can just pick up and leave, text me about what a great time you're having while I'm home being lonely, and then come home and leave in another two days.  What are we getting married for Evan?  So we can buy a big fancy house and then you keep leaving, leaving me alone in the house all the time?  That's not what a marriage is.  I never go anywhere and this will be the last time for awhile. And If I remember correctly, you always take your secretary with you on your trips, so again you have a double standard.  I can't take Ashton, but you can take your secretary."

He looked shocked, I never yelled at him like that, "You don't want to get married do you?"

Where did that come from?  I sighed, "I never said that..."

He cut me off, "Well your mom told me today you have absolutely nothing planned and when you came home the other day from "dress shopping" all you bought was a skimpy bathing suit.  I presume that's to impress your intern while you're in Miami?"

What the fuck?  My mom actually went through my bags when I came home from the mall.  What am I, 3 years old, and then she tells Evan!  Now I understand even more why my brother moved out at the first available chance.

"I needed a bathing suit for Miami, because I plan on enjoying myself, it has nothing to do with Ashton, stop bringing him up!  I've been so busy with work and trying to impress my boss I haven't had time to plan for the wedding and you know that.  Oh yeah and you haven't been around to help me!  A wedding is between two people, Evan."

He ran his hands through his hair, "You know what, fine, go on your little conference trip, but don't bother calling or texting me because I'm not going to answer.  When you can show me that you actually want to get married then come talk to me because right now all I see is you sneaking behind my back.  I saw you when you were at the ball with your intern.  You too were awfully close, and you keep defending him instead of siding with me.  How do I know I can trust you at work with him, let alone a conference trip to Miami.  I'm hurt that you lied to me about the wedding, you said planning was going well. Women would die to be in your spot, having an unlimited budget for a wedding, and you're throwing it all away."

I started to cry, his words were so harsh, he was never like this. "It's horrible to know that you don't trust me.  Maybe we need to rethink the wedding date because I'm not marrying someone who doesn't trust me enough to even go to work and communicate with other males.  Don't take your anger out on Ashton.  You're just jealous I see him more then you."  

As soon as the words left my mouth I immediately regretted them.

He took a deep breath, "You know what, have fun on your useless conference. If I find out your stupid fucking intern laid one finger on you, we are finished."  Just before he left the room he turned around and said sternly, "And trust me, I will find out."  

He slammed the door and I was left in silence. 

**Sorry this chapter was kind of a filler, but it will be important later on!  The Miami chapters are next, who's ready for some drama and surprises?  Just remember to vote, comment, and share.  I love you all for reading.** 

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