Chapter 27: Cal-Pal

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"Calum we do not need that many streamers and balloons" I groaned while watching Calum dump boxes of red and black streamers and packages of balloons into our already filled cart.

We had been shopping for close to 2 hours and we still weren't done.  We had started off by getting the basics: plates, cups, plastic utensils, and napkins.  Once we got to the things that weren't as necessary, Calum started going overboard.  Apparently the boys had never thrown a party this big, so they wanted it to be the best one yet.

I yawned as I let him do what he pleased.  I would reason with him once we got up to the register.

The boys got to my house around 7:30 am after ringing my doorbell nonstop for five minutes.  I guess the numerous phone calls and texts weren't enough to wake me up.

When I finally picked myself out of bed (while still in pajamas), I ran downstairs to find the 3 punk boys standing on my front porch.

Luke and Calum had overly perky grins on their faces, while Michael looked like he wanted to kill them both as he stood there with his arms folded across his chest.  

"Oh my gosh, you guys are so early" I yawned as I rubbed my eyes to make sure that they really were standing in front of me.

Luke smiled sweetly while rocking back and forth on his heels, "I know...but we were just so excited!"

"I wanted to keep sleeping but they woke me up" Michael said grumpily while pointing to Luke and Calum.  His hair was dyed a new color, which consisted of a mixture of black and red streaks.

I laughed, Ashton always joked how Michael was a drama queen with his sleep.

Calum pulled his hands out from behind his back revealing coffee and a bag of pastries, "We bring gifts."

I invited them inside, and as soon as they stepped in the house they stood in the foyer with their mouths wide open as they looked around in awe.

"Oh my gosh...this place is huge." they all said at once.

That was the exact reaction I always got whenever someone new came over for the first time. 

From the outside of the house, it looked big, but not overly big.  I think the high ceilings inside made everything seem taller and more intimidating...along with the marble floors, spiral stairs case, expensive art pieces, and the glass chandelier.  

It always made me uncomfortable when people had that reaction, if it was up to me I would live in a regular size house that was appropriate for 4 people, not a house where we don't even use half the rooms.

I didn't expect the boys to have that reaction though.  They were rock stars, yet they were amazed at a big house?

"You guys stay at like 5 star hotels in exotic places and play concerts to millions of people and now you're marveling over my house?"  I joked.

"Yeah but, this is your house.  You live here every day, it's different."  Luke explained as he peaked into the living room

I shrugged, walking into the kitchen as they followed close behind.  Patricia was there, cleaning and making sure everything was all ready for tonight.

"Patricia, these are my..."  I stopped midsentence.  I wanted to call them friends, but technically I hadn't known them that long.  

"Friends"  Michael finished, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, my friends.  This is Michael, Luke and Calum"  I said gesturing to each one.  They were all very polite and shook her hand.  Her eyebrows crinkled when she heard their accents but she didn't question it.  

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