Chapter 9: Unexpected Surprises

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After a long flight, I was finally in Miami. The weather was perfect, blue skies, shining sun, and a warm breeze. I couldn't wait to get to the resort, and relax for the rest of the afternoon by the poolside before the busy week.

Ashton and I picked up our room keys and headed to the room. Luckily there were two beds and before I could even say anything, he ran over to the bed by the window and claimed it as his by flopping on top of it. I rolled my eyes and placed my suit case on the bed. Ashton opened his, all of his clothes were throw inside, mixed in with all of his toiletries and shoes in a random assortment. Mine were all neatly folded to avoid wrinkling, with my toiletries in a separate compartment.

"I thought with all the traveling you've done, you would pack just slightly neater." I joked

"Actually, I use to be really neat, but then with the constant traveling and going to new cities every day I realized it just didn't matter because I was basically living out of a suitcase anyway." he said as he shoved his clothes into the dresser.

I started to hang my various dresses into the closet, "So, how was it constantly being on the road? I mean, I've never even been out the country so I can't imagine what it's like being in a new place every day."

His face softened, as he zipped up his backpack and pushed it under the bed, "To be honest, it was really incredible, but there were a lot of times where I wanted to go home. My dad left my family when I was young and once he left, I became the man in the family for my mom and my younger brother and sister. It's hard sometimes to leave all them, I don't want them to think I'm like my dad where one day I'm just not going to come back."

To see the sensitive serious side of Ashton, made me have a whole new perspective about him. It was heartbreaking to hear that his dad just left the family. It must have been hard on him when he was young to feel like he had to fill that responsibility. I would never expected that, but now I know that his constant smile covers how damaged he is on the inside.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. " feeling like a jerk because I didn't know what else to say, "I'm sorry that I brought it up."

He shook his head, "No don't apologize. It happened so long ago, and you were only asking a harmless question. I was the one who just decided to share a tad more then you asked."

Part of me wanted to know why he decided to share more, but then part of me decided it was better to not explore that uncharted territory.

I continued to unpack, making sure everything was just so, as Ashton flopped on the bed and turned on the TV. I kept checking my phone every few minutes, hoping to see an apology message from Evan. We hadn't spoken since he stormed out of my house the other day.

Ashton kept taking side glanced at me, every time I touched my phone, then quickly looking back to his superhero movie he was watching on TV. I eventually finished everything, and when I looked over at Ashton, he was fast asleep. I quietly changed to my swimsuit, and grabbed my towel and flip flops and headed down to the pool.

The pool was outside, and luckily there were only a few people there. Many people for the convention were arriving late tonight, so the resort was still fairly empty. The pool was a decent size, surrounded by lounge chairs, with a small tiki bar off to the side. I laid down on one of the nearby lounge chairs, put my sunglasses on, and closed my eyes, drifting off in the warm Miami sun.

I was awoken by feeling little droplets of water on my bare stomach. I opened my eyes, getting startled by seeing a wet Ashton, standing over me, grinning, dripping from the pool.

"What are you doing?" I asked, lifting my sunglasses so I could make eye contact with him.

He laughed, "More importantly, what are you doing? You're dry."

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