Chapter 10: Bad Enough For You

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The next morning I woke up, laying in bed. It took me a second to realize where I was, and then I noticed someone's arm was draped over me. I turned over, rubbing my eyes and doing a double take, my mind finally processing the fact that it was Ashton.

I panicked, realizing that I don't remember most of last night after he kissed me, it was all a blur and I couldn't put the pieces together. I looked at the time, we had an hour to get downstairs and have breakfast before the event. If we weren't downstairs in time for check in, I was going to be in big trouble.

I looked over at Ashton, who was snoring loudly, his mouth wide open as he slept and his hair a complete mess sprawled out on the pillow.

I touched his bare shoulder, shaking him gently, "Ashton...Ashton...we have to get up. We have to be downstairs in an hour."

He rolled over, mumbling something. He sat up rubbed his eyes, and then stumbled out of bed, pulling a nearby pair of pants over his boxers. I gulped, I barely had any clothes on when I woke up, just a bra and underwear and I really hope we didn't do anything. He was still really sleepy and I was afraid to question him about anything.

We managed to get downstairs, have a quick breakfast, sign in, and make it to the opening speech in the nick of time. The rest of the day was easy and laid back. It consisted of various educational talks, demonstrations, and instructional videos. Me and Ashton barely exchanged words to each other all day. It wasn't awkward, we just chose not to talk.

After the long day, we went back to the room to change out of our nicer clothes into more comfortable clothing. Ashton whipped off his dress shirt right in front of me, revealing his bare chest, as he slipped on a KISS muscle tee.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said, my voice shaking.

He flopped back on the bed, "Sure go ahead. Ask away."

"Did we...last night...we woke up...did anything?" I stammered.

He sat up, and walked over to me, looking me straight in the eyes, "I would never ever take advantage of you like that, especially since we were drinking. Is that why you didn't talk to me today? You thought we had sex?"

A flood of relief washed over me, "To be honest, yes. I didn't remember much, and I panicked, I'm sorry."

He bit his bottom lip, "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of guy, boss. Everything else from last night...well, that's a whole different story for another time." he flashed his famous malicious grin, as he started to grab his towel and bathing suit,  heading towards the door.

What the heck was he talking about, everything else?  Was he talking about the kiss?  "Wait.." I said, "What do you mean a whole different story? You can tell me now."

He laughed, "Oh no I cannot. I'm pretty sure you're not ready for the truth, but when you are, I'll be sure to tell you."

And with those words, he left.

Ashton was making it pretty clear that he had feelings for me, or maybe he wasn't. Maybe last night he was drunk and he didn't mean any of it.  Maybe I was just imagining things and drawing incorrect conclusions.  He was so cryptic that it was hurting my brain thinking about all the possibilities. I still didn't understand why he snapped so much when I got off the phone with Evan...oh my god Evan.  I cheated on Evan and now I had to face him and tell him about it.  I'm so afraid to lose what we have even though things have been shitty lately.  It's scary to think about my life without him, he was my first love, the first one I ever had true feelings for, and I could have possibly just ruined everything with one kiss.   

I ended up staying in the room for a bit and tidied up everything (in order to get rid of my nervous energy), before grabbing my bathing suit and towel. Just as I was about the walk out the door, my phone rang. I answered it, figuring it was Evan, but boy was I wrong.

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