Chapter 7: Dresses, Bathing Suits, And Poor Luke

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His hands were on both sides of me holding himself up by leaning on his elbows, his chest hovering over me.  He was kissing my neck, nipping my skin ever so gently, causing me to moan with pleasure.  My fingers dug into his back, keeping him close to me.  His touch was intoxicating, and every ounce of my being craved for more.  His skin was tan and his body was insanely toned.  His muscular arms encasing me in his warmth, and his chest now touching mine as he pressed his lips to mine.  I ran my fingers through his soft, blonde hair, making his already messy hair, even more incredibly messy, but sexy at the same time.  I never knew someone could make me feel like this.  Every bit of me felt like I was on fire, his scent flooding my mind, numbing out any thoughts that I had had before.  He gracefully pulled my shirt off, leaving a trail of kisses down my chest.  He lifted his head up to look at me, his beautiful hazel eyes meeting mine. "You are gorgeous."  he said in between breaths.  We were both breathing heavily as he put his fingers in my hair pulling me in for another kiss, slipping in his tongue in this time.  I pulled away from him for a second and he kissed the gentle spot in the middle of my chest.  

"Oh Ashton"  I gasped as he unhooked my bra...

I woke up, instantly springing up, gasping for air, and trying to rearrange my thoughts. Once my breathing slowed, I flopped back on my pillow, and looked at the clock it was 9:00 am.  Just then, my phone on my bedside table rang.   I reached over to answer it, without even looking at who it was.

"Hey there sleepyhead! Did you forget we were going out today?"  It was Amber, I actually did forget we were going out today.  We were going shopping to start looking for bridesmaid dresses.  She wanted me to start looking for my gown, but I wasn't ready for that just yet, so I diverted her attention by saying we needed to get the bridesmaids dresses first in case they needed to be altered.  

"Crap, sorry, I overslept.  I'll be ready in like 10 minutes and then I'll head out to come pick you up."  We hung up the phone, and I quickly got up to get dressed and through some makeup on.  My hair was still in neat waves, so I just slipped on jeans, a white t-shirt and my cute pink Vans sneakers and quickly put makeup on.  I grabbed my purse and headed out to my car.  I honked the horn when I got outside Amber's house, and a minute later she came running out of the house.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in forever!"  she squealed.  She looked adorable as always.  Amber was the type of girl that could wear the simplest outfit and still look amazing.  She had on a pink lacy top, with black leggings, and black suede boots that went up just below her knee.  Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun and she had minimal makeup on, but she still looked really pretty.  I hadn't seen her in close to two months.  She was in Ireland for a month and I had been busy with work.  We had talked and texted, but it wasn't the same as seeing her in person.

"I know! I missed you so much.  Where should we go?"  I asked.

"Let's hit the mall, we can grab coffee and catch up for a bit and then go to some of the boutiques and start looking."  she suggested.

We got to the mall and stood in the crazy long line for coffee.  There were about 6 people ahead of us, and only one barista.  I wasn't in a rush, believe me I could procrastinate looking at dresses for hours, but I hated long lines.  

"So, how was Ireland?  I'm sure you took tons of pictures."  She was the girl in high school who always took tons of pictures of every little thing because she always thought she was going to forget a moment.  

She whipped out her phone from her purse, "Oh you got that right.  I took easily over 2,000 pictures.  It was amazing, although the weather sucked.  The pubs were great and the scenery was absolutely incredible."  

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