Chapter 35: It All Ends In Fear

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Listen to Make It To Me by Sam Smith while reading this...It fits so perfectly.

(Be sure to vote...only one chapter left!  I wanna see how many amazingly dedicated readers I have!)

I barely slept that night after making the mistake of Googling Ashton's name and seeing more and more pictures and headlines plastered all over the internet.  




The morning came around quickly, as I practically watched the sun rise from the nearby window as my thoughts continued to consume me.  I tried to sleep, but my eyes seemed like they had the inability to close and my mind refused to stop playing all the possible scenarios on how Ashton's weekend really occurred according to all the articles I read.

As soon as the morning shift at the hospital started, my dad arrived to come sign me out and to take me home.  I was still bruised and sore, but it wasn't anything horrific.  The nurse gave me a list of therapist options so I had someone to talk to about my panic attacks.  I thanked her and smiled as I tucked the paper into my bag, knowing I would never use them.  She also gave me a prescription in case things became overbearing but I tucked that in my bag along with the therapist list.

My dad made sure before we left to tell the rehab center I wasn't coming back to finish the program.  They tried to reason with him by telling him that he would be losing money, but he ended up just walking out mid-conversation, not wanting to here another plea.

Evan came with my dad to pick me up, but he was quiet and didn't help me much besides carrying my bags and shutting the car door for me before we left for the airport.  It was slightly awkward considering how he reacted yesterday, but I just ignored his babyish ways and continued to attempt to enjoy the ride home.

I felt sick to my stomach the whole flight home knowing that within a few short hours I would be reunited with my mom who I haven't spoken to in days, plus being faced with having to plan the wedding for real this time in addition to accepting its reality.

Despite recent events, I wasn't 100% sold on the fact that Ashton had fully moved on from me due to a conversation we had a few weeks ago.  

We were hanging out at his house one afternoon during one of the weeks that we were still suspended from work.  He had went outside to grab the mail, when he picked up a newspaper that someone threw on his front lawn and brought it inside.

He laughed as he flipped open the newspaper and read the headline out loud, "ASHTON BUYS NEW DOG AND TAKES IT FOR A WALK WITH A PRETTY MYSTERY GIRL. EXCLUSIVE PICTURES INSIDE."

He pointed to it and showed me, "Do you believe this?  Do you believe people actually take the time to write this?"

As I looked at the pictures I realized that the so call mystery girl was his sister when they had been walking Indie a few weeks back on their way to the dog park.

I shook my head and laughed, "Seriously? Why didn't you tell me about your new dog? I thought we were closer than that!"

He smacked my shoulder and I laughed even harder, "Shush you!  I've had Indie since I was 12.  He's not all that new anymore."  He started to fold the newspaper into a poorly crafted paper plane and threw it across the room.  When it landed, Indie ran right up to it and began tearing it to shreds as if it was a threat to Ashton's safety.

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