Chapter 19: Seriously Mom?

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Whenever I use to go out to social events or parties (which was always a rare event in my childhood), my mother always use to lecture me.  Till this day, whenever I leave the house, I still get the same lecture.  I could her voice replaying in my mind, always with the same general messages.

"Be aware of your surroundings"

"Call me when you get there"

"Don't talk to strangers"

"Never go home with any guys"

"Don't come back home too late"

I always responded with the same line, every time, almost like a reflex in the same whiny tone, "Yeah, yeah, I know mother."

Waking up in a bed, somewhere, where I had no clue of where I was after not returning home and not talking to my mother since I had left the house the previous morning and not knowing how I got there...truly proved  I had not taken my mother's advice.  All I could hear in my mind was her voice nagging me over and over, like a broken record.

The bed I was laying in was extremely comfortable, with its soft black bed spread and sea of pillows.  The black bedspread bought out the red walls, which were covered in band posters, from floor to ceiling.

I sat up, noticing the various mementos from various parts of the world on the other walls, such as plane tickets and post cards, that were organized on the walls by country.  Looking over to the side of the bed near the dresser and closet, there was a row of shoes, neatly lined up against the wall, ranging from combat boots to sneakers, to flip flops.  

As soon as I saw the box on the other side of the bed, containing at least 300 drum sticks, next to a box containing broken drum sticks, it only solidified my hypothesis of whose room I was in.  

My clothes were soaked with sweat, but when I looked down, I realized that they weren't my clothes.  I was wearing a KISS t-shirt with way too many holes in it and a pair of black sweats, which I recognized from seeing them hanging low on someone else's waist at one point and time.  

There were too many pieces missing in this puzzle.  The only thing I remember was attempting to answer my phone in the car, and it hitting the console, but everything else was foggy.  

I unraveled the blankets that were tangled around my legs, and climbed out of bed.  My entire body ached, and my head was throbbing.  I saw my clothes on top of the dresser, next to my car keys and purse with a note on top:

Sorry I couldn't be around when you got up.  Got called to the studio, and then me and the band are heading to London straight from the studio for a few days for a recording session.  I will call you when I get there.  

Ash xx

P.S - You really had me worried about you.  Try not to do that again...oh and by the way you talk a lot in your sleep ;) 

I quickly grabbed everything off the dresser and headed for the front door, when I realized that I should probably change before I left.  My mother would freak out if I walked in wearing Ashton's clothes, despite how comfortable they are.  

Just as a turned around, there was an adorable puppy sitting on the floor.  I almost tripped on him as I turned around, I didn't even hear him creep up behind me.  His chocolate brown eyes were staring up at me, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, panting.  He had floppy light brown ears, while the rest of his body was white with dark brown spots.

I bent down to pet him, noticing he had a black leather spiked collar on with a dog tag hanging off of it, which said, "Indie".  Next to his dog tag, was a little white pendant that said "5SOS" in black lettering.

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