Chapter 5: No Really, Where's Ashton?

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When I finally managed to pick my jaw up off the floor, I took a good look at Ashton.  He looked...really handsome, for lack of better words.  

I didn't know what to concentrate on first, so I slowly took everything in from head to toe.  His hair was neatly combed and straightened, making me now realize that his hair was a mix of dark blonde with light blonde streaks.  He took all his piercings out and was wearing a black tux with a black shirt and a bow tie with little skulls on it, and he was even wearing black dress shoes.  

He pulled a red rose from behind his back and curtsied as he handed it to me and said, "For you my lady."  He tried to sound British, but his Australian accent was too thick.  I giggled, forgetting my parents were standing in back of me.  

I let Ashton into the entry way of the house and said, "Mom, Dad, this is Ashton, my new intern."  

My mom looked stunned and couldn't form a sentence (I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing), so my dad filled in the words for her, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm glad you were able to escort Roxanne tonight."

Ashton shook my mom and dad's hand, "The pleasure is all mine, and thank you very much for letting me have the opportunity to be her escort."  Wow, what a suck up.  We decided to take two separate cars since, my dad wanted to be alone with my mom instead of us all piling in one car. Ashton didn't know where the venue was, so I drove my car.  We got into the car, and I watched my dad pull away in the rear view mirror.  

"Are you going to pull out or are we just going to sit in the driveway all night?"  Ashton teased.

I gave him a side glare and said, "I know, I know, I'm just...nervous...which is stupid cause it's not even a big deal..."  Ashton's hand on mine stopped me from talking, causing me to take a deep breath since I was talking so fast.

"Relax, we will have fun, just breathe please.  I don't need you passing out, cause then I will have to drag you out of there."  Ashton joked.  

I eventually started the car and when we got to the venue, there was a ton of people, well over 300.  I didn't see my parents anywhere so we headed in just the two of us.  The venue was beautiful.  The ceilings were overwhelming high, with a huge crystal chandelier.  There were huge marble columns and the floor was marble as well.  The lights were dim, giving the setting a romantic feel.  All the tables were simply decorated with a huge flower arrangements and the chairs were covered in silk seat covers.  

All the women had overly done makeup and hair piled on their heads in perfect curls or in elaborate hair styles.  I felt so plain next to them.  Even their dresses were highly decorated, diamonds, feathers, and jewels adorned each dress.  Looking around, I now knew why my mom said it would reduce our status if I didn't bring a date, everyone was a couple.  

Ashton picked up on this quite quickly, as he leaned over to me and said, "Do you mind if I link my arms with you and escort you to a table?  We stick out a little bit just standing her all awkwardly with this huge gap between us."  

I laughed, he was so right, and I held my arm out as he linked his around mine and led me to a table.  We sat for a few minutes, just taking in the whole scene.  Everyone was in small groups, conversing, laughing over bad jokes, and being awkwardly fake.  A waiter came to our table and handed us champagne.

I held mine up to Ashton and said, "To surviving this night."  

Before he clinked his glass to mine he said, "To a new friendship."  I couldn't help but smile as I clinked my glass to his and took a sip.  The classical music was low because people were still coming in and saying their hellos.  

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