Chapter 14: Everything Is Not What It Seems

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The rest of the trip went unfortunately fast. It was so busy and jam packed with meetings, presentations, demonstrations, and social events that Ashton and I barely had the freedom to hang out like we did at the beginning of the trip.

The day of departure from Miami, we headed to the airport early in the morning and boarded the plane.

After a long argument with Ashton, it was finalized that Evan would pick me up at the airport, since I figured we needed some time to catch up and talk. I couldn't avoid him anymore then I already have. I didn't plan on telling how I cheated on him by kissing Ashton, which was probably not the best choice, but I would continue to keep it my dirty little secret just until we settled everything else.  Ashton's car was already in the airport parking lot from when we first boarded the plane, so he was fine getting home, even though he claimed he would be too lonely to survive.

The flight was relaxing. I was reading a book, while Ashton sat next to me with his headphones on., drumming along to the beat of the songs on his knees.

"Hey boss?" Ashton had one headphone out of his ear and was looking over at me.


"Can we still hang out every once in awhile? I mean, I know Evan won't like it and I don't want to put you in the middle, but I don't know if I can erase everything that happened between us over this trip. I tried to erase things all those years ago and it never really work out." he joked.

Ashton was right. This trip changed a lot for us, and for me personally.  I've been questioning my choice to marry Evan, as well as continuing to live with my parents, and how I was going to pursue my relationship with Ashton, either as work partners, friends, or something more.  It was going to be a lot of tough choices.

I told Ashton nothing between us was going to change, especially since he had opened up to me so much, but we did have to just tone down everything a bit while we were home. He couldn't be so obvious that he had feelings for me, and I...well I had some thinking to do.

Part of me was actually excited to see Evan, the old part of me was at least. The new rebellious part of me wanted to get into Ashton's car and let him drive me home. The old part of me won though, when I saw Evan standing there.

I ran over to him, crashing into him, wrapping my arms around him as he enclosed his arms around me. I inhaled his musky scent, instantly feeling the old comfort I use to feel in his arms.

"I missed you" he said kissing the top of my head.

I turned around forgetting that Ashton was standing behind me. Ashton being the smart ass he was went up to Evan, holding his hand out to him. Evan accepted the gesture, but played dumb to my surprise.

"You must be Ashton...Irweed?  Oh yes, that's right. Roxanne has told me you're very dedicated and driven. Always trying to get what you want." Evan said smugly.

"And you must be Evan. Roxie has told me so much about you, oh such a picture perfect couple. She's so deeply in love, well so she says." Ashton smirked back.

The sarcasm and hidden messages between them was ridiculous. I said goodbye to Ashton, giving him a hug, despite Evan being there.

"Bye Roxie. Thanks for being a great roommate. You sure know how to have a good time." he winked as he walked away. Thanks a lot Ashton, I'm sure Evan will ask me a million questions.

I dragged my luggage to the car as Evan questioned me about the trip. Nothing concerning Ashton luckily. Mostly about the weather, what we did at the conference, and how the flights were.

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