Chapter 3: Sanity...Gone

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I walked back into my office and sat down, checking my email on my computer and organizing the papers on my desk.  The phone on my desk rang and I quickly reached over to answer it.

"Hello my dearest, how is your day going?"  It was Evan.

"Um it's been better, I met my new intern today."  Ashton's office was across from mine, the door slightly ajar and I could see him sitting at his desk, his feet on top, leaning back in his chair and texting.

"Ah yes that's right, how is she?  I bet you two have already become the best of friends."  he said, I could hear him shuffling papers in the background.

"He is not my idea of the perfect intern, but maybe things won't be so bad one we get into the lab.  I'm trying to keep an open mind but it has been quiet the task."  I stated, Ashton was now spinning in circles on the desk chair, still texting.  

I still have no idea how he got through the interview stage, between his appearance and his behavior.  We continued to talk for a few minutes, until he said he had a meeting to go to and that he would call me later.  

I walked out of my office to go meet Ashton in the lab.  He was chatting it up with one of my other co-workers, he sure made friends fast.  

I handed him a lab coat, he took it from me hesitantly and said, "White?  It's not really my color, can I dye it black?"  

I shook my head, "No you can't.  You have to hand that back in at the end of your internship."  

The rest of the afternoon went fast, I taught Ashton the in's and the out's of the lab and then he started working on his first assignment.    

We ended up both staying in the lab till late, everyone else leaving the offices before us.  We cleaned up and headed back to our offices to grab our belongs to go home.  

We walked out to the parking lot together and just as I was about to get into my car Ashton said, "You know Roxie, you don't have to be professional 24/7 when you're with me.  I know we work together and all but, it's just us so you can let loose a little.  I won't tell your boss, I pinky promise.  I  just want to really enjoy this opportunity and get to really know you for you, I think it would be cool."  

He held his pinky out towards me and I accepted.  I'm not really sure what I was agreeing to considering I intended to act the exact same way with him as I treated all my other fellow workers, but clearly he thought there was more to me that meets the eye.  I told him I would see him tomorrow and I headed home.  

When I got home, the smell of Patricia's cooking was the first thing I noticed.  It was something that consisted of garlic and it smelt wonderful.  

As I started to take off my shoes, a set of arms wrapped themselves around my waist and I was greeted with a peck on the cheek.  

I turned around, still with the arms around my waist to see Evan standing there.  

"Surprise."  he said, a smile forming on his face.  

All throughout college he was on the swim team, so he had a lean body, with broad shoulders. and toned arms and chest. He had blonde hair the fell on his forehead, just above his thick, black framed glasses, that hid his dark blue eyes.  It was kind of ironic how Ashton had the same glasses.  

He was wearing black dress pants, black dress shoes, and had a blue button down shirt on with the sleeves rolled up, showing the silver watch that I bought him for his birthday.  "I hope you don't mind that your mother invited me for dinner, I finished early and thought I would surprise you."  he said.

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