Chapter 4

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I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself before walking into my room.

"Hey Abel."

I turned and saw Selena sitting at the table.

"Shit, when did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago." She smiled as she approached me. "Are you almost ready to go?"

"Does it look like it?"

"Ooh yeah.." She hiccuped. "You're naked!"

I could tell by the way she was acting and the look in her eyes that she was high as fuck already.

"What did you take?"

She shrugged. "I might've had a perc or two."

"Great.." I mumbled to myself as I started to get dressed.

I hated when she got high before we went on our 'dates' 'cause she didnt know how to act and would annoy the shit out of me.

Once I finished getting dressed, we left and went to some Italian restaurant that wasn't too far from our hotel.

"Aaabel." Selena slurred as she leaned across the table. "Wanna hear the new song I've been working on?"


Instead of playing it on her phone like I thought she would, she started singing the song out loud and people started to stare.

"Selena shut up. People are watching you."

"Good! I love attention baby! You know that."

I sighed heavily and I sipped on my glass of wine as I sat back in my seat.

Selena continuously sang and talked about random shit and I just tuned her out after a while.

My phone vibrated from my pocket, I pulled it out and smiled when I saw the text was from Angel.

I opened the message and there was a picture of her naked in front of her mirror.

Angel💦: I can't wait til Thursday

Abel: Shit me neither baby

"Babel who are you texting?!" I looked up from my phone to see Selena pouting at me. "Pay attention to me."

She quickly snatched my phone from my hand.

"Give me my damn phone back!"

"Who's Angel and why can't she wait til Thursday?! Are you cheating on me?!"


She gasped and threw my phone at me.

"I'm telling Bradford."

Bradford is her manager.

"Go ahead. I don't care any more."

She angrily got up and I followed after her. We got into the car and rode back to the hotel in silence. She usually likes to try to come to my room but instead she went to her room without a fight.

I got up to my suite and saw that Angel texted me back but I never replied.

Angel💦: I already told my room mate I need the house to myself Thursday so you can come over

Abel: Idek if I'll be able to make it now

Angel💦: Why? 😩

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