Chapter 18 pt.2

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I got out of the shower and walked back into my bedroom to start getting ready for another bullshit date with Selena. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a black supreme t-shirt from my closet and started to get dressed. As I was putting on my shirt, my phone started to go off over and over again. I picked it up and saw all the notifications were coming from Twitter. I tapped on one and when it opened it was a picture of Selena holding hands with Justin.

"Holy shit..."

Justin told me he was gonna talk to Selena but I didn't know that they were gonna go out together and that she'd be so willing to get back with him.

My phone starting ringing in my hand and I quickly answered when I saw that it was Cash.

"Bro! You seen the pictures?!"

"Yeah, I saw them. Does that mean its over now?"

"Hell yeah!"

I laughed. "Aaye I'm free!"

"What are you gonna do to celebrate?"

"I'm going to Atlanta."

"Aye, go get your girl." He laughed. "I'll talk to you tomorrow bro. Have fun in ATL."

"Alright, by man."

I put my phone in my pocket and finished getting dressed so I could go see my Angel.

A few hours later:
I walked into Magic City with my hands tucked into my pockets and Immediately started to look around for Angel. It was a Thursday night so I knew she was working but after thirty minutes I still wasn't able to find her.

"Hey starboy." I heard from behind me and turned around to see Brandi standing there. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Angel. Have you seen her?"

"She went home a while ago."

"Why? Is she okay?"

"She looked a little upset but I'm not sure why..."

"Ooh okay. Thanks."

I left and drove across the city to Loews but she wasn't there either.

"Alright she should be at home then." I mumbled to myself, trying to prevent myself from getting worried.

When I finally got to her apartment I jogged up the stairs and knocked on the door but no one answered. After I called and texted her and she didn't answer I decided to call Shay.

She answered sleepily. "Hello?"

"Sorry to wake you up but is Angel home?"

"I don't think so, she should still be at work."

"I just left there and a girl told me she left so I came to your apartment."

"Ooh, well I'm not home and she usually text me when she gets home but I haven't gotten any messages from her."

" you-"

"There's an extra key taped to the inside of our mailbox if you wanna check if she's in there."

"Alright, I'll text you if she's there."

"Okay cool. Bye."

I hung up and went back down stairs to where the mailboxes were. I opened the one with their apartment number on it and grabbed the key that was taped to the back of it. I went back upstairs and used the key to unlock the door.

I walked into the apartment and it was pitch black. I turned the light on and walked back into the bedroom where Angel was sprawled out in the bed. I sat next to her and nudged her gently.

"Baby?" She moved a little bit and sniffled in her sleep. "Angel? Wake up baby."

I nudged her again and she jumped up and started to scream.

"Stop! Don't fucking touch me!" She started to swing at me but I caught her wrist and held her hands. "Stop! Let me go!"

"Tiff calm down!" She continued to shake and cry hysterically as I tried to comfort her. "Open you eyes baby, its just me, Abel."

She stopped and opened her eyes. She looked at me with tears streaming down her face and wrapped her arms around me.

"Oh my god." She mumbled as she started to cry into my chest. "I was so scared."

"Baby what happened? Why are you scared?"

"I was at work tonight and this guy asked me for a dance and I said sure but when we got to the private rooms he just wanted to talk and I was like whatever. When I told him I had to get back to work he wouldn't let me. He grabbed me and pushed me on to the couch and...and he tried to..."

"Did he hurt you?!"

" of the security guards came in before things went to far."

I huffed. "I don't want you working there anymore."

"I...I already quit."

"Ooh, good. Do-"

"Then when I got home, Drew was here waiting for me...I wouldn't let him in so he smacked me and I punched him and ran into the apartment." She sniffled and laid back down. "I just..I don't wanna be here anymore."

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know..." She sighed as she started to cry again. "I just wanna be with you but I know we can't go anywhere together 'cause of fucking Selena."

"Her and I are over baby." I laid down and wrapped my arm around her. "She broke the contract."

"What? Really?"


"So now we can be together?"

"Yes." I smiled. "So where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere as long as I'm with you."

"You can come back to LA with me." I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. "Sound good?"

"Yeah." She yawned and moved closer to lay on my shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too, good night."

I held on to her and rubbed her back until she fell asleep on me. I tried going to sleep to but my mind was racing. I couldn't believe someone would try to hurt her and that Drew's bitch ass was still giving her problems. I kind of felt like it was all my fault 'cause if I were with her none of that shit would have happened. She would've been safe if I hadn't been in LA with Selena but now since her and I are over, I can make sure my Angel is safe all the time.

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