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"A... Sparkling?" Raf questions. "Is that another type of Cybertronian?"

Optimus stepped forward. "Sparklings are our young - our children."

"Wait. Autobots can have babies?" Miko asked enthusiastically.

"Indeed Miko." Rachet answered with a frown. "How else would the species continue?"

"Um.." She said awkwardly, giving Optimus an ample chance to jump in:

"Many sparklings were born during the Golden Age of Cybertron, but many were killed during the war. Some Autobots tried to save their young by jettisoning them into space to escape the conflict. They were shot down."

"Well it seems all except one." Ratchet adds solemnly.  

"Can you awaken the sparkling?" He asks Ratchet, hope in his voice. The medic nodded and pressed the relevant buttons on the pod. The lid slid upward with a hiss and exposed the sleeping sparkling within. He was light orange with a light brown as his secondary colour and was tiny in Cybertronian standards: much smaller than Arcee and not even a quarter of the height of Ratchet.

"By Primus himself." Optimus muttered as he looked down at the little 'bot. "He's.."

::He's adorable!:: Bumblebee whirled and went to pick the youngster up. Rachet batted him away quickly.

"Ep ep ep!" He said scornfully as Bee retracted his servo. "Careful! He's just waking from stasis and is fragile." 

::Sorry:: Bee replied when a small whine caught their attention. The sparkling was looking up at the Autobots with bright blue optics. 

::Aww!:: Bee buzzed. ::Look at those optics!::

"Indeed Bumblebee." Optimus replied, a small smile infiltrating his faceplate. Gently he reached down and patted the sparkling's helm, making him giggle and laugh. Optimus retracted his servo, then he started to cry. 

"Uh.. Doc? What's wrong with him?" Bulkhead asked as the sparkling's cries grew louder. Ratchet looked down at the child and noticed that he wasn't producing any Energon tears. Wordlessly, the doctor raced off and returned promptly with a servo-sized container of liquidated Energon, ready for use. Everyone watched silently as Ratchet carefully scooped up the sparkling and removed the lid before holding it against his lips. Instantly the sparkling sucked up the blue liquid greedily with bright, delighted eyes. It didn't take him long to guzzle the entire thing.

"Being in stasis means he must have been starved of Energon." Ratchet explained while the child had his optics locked on his holder with awe. He smiled and cuddled into Ratchet's chestplate, right near his spark chamber. Ratchet stiffened a little once he felt the sparkling's servo's clinging to him and moved a servo to remove him, but the sparkling acted first. He held onto one of Ratchet's fingers and giggled.

Arcee chuckled. "Hey Ratchet, he likes you."

Ratchet scowled a little and managed to prise the sparkling from his chestplate. "I'm sure he's just--"


Everyone, Autobot and human, instantly locked eyes/optics on the sparkling once more, none looking more shocked than Ratchet. The little 'bot was holding Ratchet's servo from his place in them and staring straight at the medic inquisitively. He then repeated his question:


Ratchet didn't react at first. There was a dead silence until he shook his helm. "No, I'm not your Sire." 

The sparkling, being such a young age, didn't understand. "Sire?"

"I'm not your Sire." Ratchet repeated and set him back on the table, not to his approval. He whimpered and crawled back towards him confidently and hugged his arm. He sighed in frustration. "I am not your Sire!" 

"But you could be." Optimus said suddenly, his tone faithful.

Ratchet looked at him in shock. "Optimus, I'm a doctor, not a parent. I have no idea how to care for a sparkling."

Optimus gave a small smile. "You knew what was wrong with him immediately before, old friend. You're medical expertise will help you, as will we. You will not be alone."


"The sparkling has chosen you Ratchet, he has bonded with you. He needs you." Prime added, and the other Autobots nodded in agreement. 

Ratchet looked down at the sparkling, whom was looking at him longingly with his arms outstretched to be picked up. Their optics locked, and a new sense of responsibility flowed through the medic. He scooped up the child - his sparkling, and nodded.

"Fine. I'll do it."

Ratchet's Sparkling 🧡 Transformers Prime [Officially Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now