Lost and Found

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I've now entered this story into The Wattys 2017! :3


Comet stayed curled up and cried for what seemed (to him) like solar cycles. No one had come by and thunder clouds were forming in the sky above. The little sparkling looked up hesitantly at the darkening clouds and emitted a small whimper. He thought that if he stayed put his Sire would come get him, but that hadn't worked so far.

Shakily Comet uncurled himself and slowly began to crawl towards the quarry, thinking he could find where Optimus and the others had gone.

Upon nearing the edge of the quarry however  things started to look hopeful. Before him a Groundbridge swirled open and lit up the darkness. A figure began to come through, but was unidentifiable and merely a shadow. 

"Sire?" Comet called hopefully into the swirling mass. No reply came, but the mech came through. It wasn't Ratchet, nor any of the others. It was the red medic all the Autobots despised:



"How did none of you notice that Comet had followed you through the Groundbridge?!" Ratchet demanded angrily while frantically trying to get a fix on his sparkling's life signal on the monitor. After searching the base there was no questioning that the little one had indeed travelled through the bridge.

Bulkhead gulped guilty. "I thought there was a slight drag on my rear end..."

Ratchet turned stiffly and glared at the olive 'bot. He was seething. "And you didn't think to check what it was?!!"

Bulk looked down in shame. "I'm sorry Ratch."

"Sorry?!" He snapped and stamped a ped furiously. "My sparkling is out there in Decepticon territory all alone and all you can say is sorry?!"

::Ratchet! Let's just find him!:: Bee whirled and pulled the lever to activate the Groundbridge. 

Optimus nodded. "Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee. Accompany me to find Comet."

"Bumblebee can handle Groundbridge duty. I'm going to find my son. No arguments." Ratchet growled before transforming and speeding off through the bridge.

Optimus watched Ratchet go and approached the Groundbridge himself. "Autobots, transform and roll out."


Comet stared up at the new robot in confusion. He didn't recognize him, but he wasn't really scared of him either.

The Groundbridge behind him closed and  Knockout took a few steps before noticing the little orange sparkling sitting before him. His crimson optics widened and he jumped backwards in surprise. "What on Cybertron?!"

Comet, being his innocent little self, didn't reliaze the danger this stranger posed. He waved up at him with a small smile. "Hiya!"

"A sparkling?..." The red mech said and leaned down to get a closer look at Comet, and now Comet could get a closer look at him. All the red reminded him of something Miko was eating in the base the other day. To him, Knockout looked like a...


Knockout's inquisitive gaze turned to a glare as he stood up straight. "My name is not 'Cherry'! My name is Knockout!"

Comet didn't really register what he was saying and flinched when thunder began to rumble above them. Then he remembered who he was looking for. "Where Sire?"

Knockout ignored the little one's question and picked him up by his left arm, making him whimper. "You're definitely the sparkling from that escape pod. Oh how happy Lord Megatron will be to see you."

The little sparkling tried to wriggle free from 'Cherry's' grasp but his claws wrapped around his arm even tighter. But suddenly another green glow came from behind the unsuspecting Deception, and the frantic clamping of peds came before Knockout being smacked round the back of the helm and stumbling, causing Comet's arm to slip from his grip. The little one didn't even fall a foot before a familiar pair of warm servos wrapped around his frame and lifted him. His bright blue optics looked at Comet with concern, but mostly relief, and Comet could hardly contain himself once he saw his holder's face.


Ratchet nodded and smiled comfortingly. "It's alright now Comet." 

Knockout groaned and steadied himself, holding his helm. "Oh. So he thinks you're his 'Sire'?"

Ratchet clutched Comet securely against his spark chamber with one servo and transformed the other into a blade, holding it at the Decepticon. He turned his body so his sparkling was further away and therefore harder to snatch. Comet buried his faceplate in his Sire's chest and tried to pretend 'Cherry' wasn't there.

"Hand him over." Knockout ordered and transformed his servos to saws. 

"Over my lifeless husk." Ratchet growled and slashed his blade at his opponent, missing. Knockout chuckled and lunged for the medic, but a blue blast sent him backwards. Optimus ran to Ratchet's side promptly, armed and ready to fight. Bulk and Arcee joined quickly, and Knockout cursed. 

"Leave now Knockout." Optimus warned, all blasters aimed at the same mech. The Autobots stood protectively around Ratchet and his child. None flinched. 

Knockout grumbled in annoyance and turned to leave. "You can't protect him forever. Megatron will have him eventually." With that he transformed and sped away.

Ratchet regained his servo and used it to cradle Comet gently. The little sparkling looked up with Energon tears lining his optics as he clung to the doors on Ratchet's chest. Optimus looked over and stroked Comet's helm comfortingly. "Do not fear young one, you are safe now."

Comet blinked away his tears and hugged Ratchet. "Cherry was mean."

Bulkhead laughed softly. "Cherry? I bet Knockout loved being called that."

Optimus placed a finger to his helm. "Bumblebee, we have found Comet. Bridge us back." Seconds later a Groundbridge swirled open and the team stepped through. Ratchet rubbed Comet's back as they went through and held him close. "Let's get you home."

Ratchet's Sparkling 🧡 Transformers Prime [Officially Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now