Happy Creation Day!

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Its been a while. I know and I'm sorry.

College. Assignments. Writer's block's been stopping me from updating.

So here's some fluff to make up for it!

I'm not good with Cybertronian time, so sorry if it's off..

Anyways... PARTY TIME! :D


It had been 3 days since the incident, and Bumblebee still wouldn't talk to Ratchet. No matter how many times he apologized the Scout was having none of it. Bee would still interact with Comet of course, he'd never shut him out. But even when Ratchet walked into a room Bumblebee walked out.

Ratchet was sat in the medical bay, with Comet sat in his lap happily playing with Floofers. Since the accident, the medic had barely let his sparkling out of his sight. Not even a room away alone. Optimus was doing his best to gently encourage Bee to make up with Ratchet. Them fighting certainty wasn't good for Comet.

Setting Comet on the medical berth gently and began to give him a routine check-up. He'd been doing this every couple of weeks since the sparkling had been found, just to be safe. But after the Synth-En accident Ratchet deemed it even more vital.  Comet was at the age when small problems, left untreated, could become major issues.

Comet was actually a very good patient, unlike the time when he got sick with Sparkling Fever. He sat still when his Sire instructed him too and didn't complain much. The medic was thankful for that as it meant the process could be over sooner. Ratchet scanned little Comet to check his sparkling's levels, and to check for viruses. Everything seemed normal there:

Scan results:

Age: Sparkling (2.98 Meta Cycles)

Energy Efficiency: 80.6%

Energon Levels: 76.45%

Motor Functions: 85.5%

Injuries: None detected.

Viruses: None detected.

Immunity Strength: 89.97%

Overall health: Good

Ratchet looked over the results with a sigh of relief. His sparkling was in good health. He was about to tell Comet he could go when he noticed one particular detail he'd overlooked: Comet's age - 2.98 Meta Cycles. That meant in 2 Earth days, Comet would turn 3 Meta Cycles old.

It was almost Comet's Creation Day!

"Stay there." Ratchet instructed his sparkling and rushed off to find the others. How hadn't he thought to check the kid's age? Well, he has been kinda busy.. and there have been bigger issues with Comet. But he still could have thought to check sooner. The medic left the main hanger and turned a corner before walking slam-bang into Bumblebee, making them both crash to the floor. 

:: Ow!!:: Bee exclaimed and held his helm as he sat up. He saw Ratchet, narrowed his optics and stood to go.

"Bumblebee wait!" Ratchet said pleadingly. Bee stopped but didn't turn around. 

"I need your help with something. For Comet."

Bee sighed and turned to face him. He was still angry at Ratchet, but if it was for Comet... he couldn't refuse. Otherwise he wouldn't be worthy of the title 'Uncle Beep Beep!'.

::What is it?::

Ratchet smirked ever so slightly. "I just discovered its almost Comet's Creation Day.."

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