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Had to make up for the last chapter with a cute one ;3


Miko really did a number on poor little Comet, that's for sure.

And in vengeance, his angry Sire did chase her with a human-sized wrench. Unfortunately, once he had her cornered and was lining up his shot, Optimus stepped in. The Prime took Miko away to be scolded. Ratchet swore he'd lecture her severely later.

But right now, he needed to take care of his very frightened sparkling.

Ever since Bumblebee had given Comet back to Ratchet, the sparkling had clung to him. He was still shaking and whimpering, muttering "Slendy's coming.." Every so often. Ratchet held him close and tried his best to reassure him. Easier said then done.

"You're safe Comet. Nothing's going to get you." Ratchet said for the 20th time and rubbed the kid's back gently. No matter what he said the sparkling wouldn't calm down. Comet shook his little helm and pressed his face tearfully into Ratchet's shoulder. 

"Slendy's here." Comet whimpered. Ratchet grumbled a little at having to repeat himself. "No he isn't." He knew that he probably wasn't going to get anywhere this way. 

Grumbling quietly under his breath, the medic carried his sparkling back into the main hanger. He punched in a set of coordinates into the computer and activated the Groundbridge. 

 "What you dwing Sire?" Comet asked once he saw the bridge opening. Ratchet walked through, holding the little one closely.

"We're going out."


The Groundbridge opened on a secluded beach somewhere in the UK. There were no humans around and nothing potentially harmful either. The beach itself was sorounded by cliffs on 3 sides, and the vast blue ocean on the last. It was a tranquil place. Very calming.

Ratchet looked around cautiously, just in case there was anyone around. He was still slightly nervous about taking Comet out of the base, but after last time he was a little bit more comfortable with it. But he wasn't going to let his sparkling out of his sight. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he set Comet down on the sand.

"There we go. No 'Slendy' here." Ratchet said with a relieved sigh. He hoped they could get some peace here.

Not gonna happen Ratchet.

Comet giggled and jumped up and down, enjoying the crunching sound the sand made under his peds. He stamped around, then transformed into his car mode and sped around in loops. 

"Careful Comet." Ratchet said, not that his sparkling was listening. He was way too excited to be outside! He spun around circles, kicking up tones of sand and spraying it into the air around him as he did so. 

And as you can imagine, Ratchet got covered in sand as a result.

The sparkling transformed back and was laughing joyfully. The whole 'Slendy' incident seemed almost forgotten. The medic grumbled lowly and brushed what sand he could off his armour. Comet didn't mind one bit being dirty, he was having too much fun! 

The little one turned around and for the first time ever, saw the beautiful ocean. His optics widened massively and he cooed in awe. "Ooh!"

The medic followed his child's gaze. "That's one of this planet's oceans." 

Comet nodded and tugged on his Sire's servo, signalling he wanted to get closer. Ratchet didn't really want to, but the sparkling was giving him a most pleading face. The medic caved and allowed Comet to lead him to the water's edge. Once there, little Comet looked at the water unsurely and looked up at his Sire for conformation.

"Go on, it's alright." Ratchet said neutrally. Comet, still holding his Sire's servo, dipped his right ped into the water, squeaking once he felt the coldness. He waited a second, then dipped his whole ped in. Then he did the same with his left and took a few steps into the sea. As he was large compared to humans, Comet had to go quite far out before the water was even up to his waist. However the water didn't even reach Ratchet's knees. 

Comet giggled as the waves gently lapped at his armour. Ratchet sighed slightly. He wasn't one for getting wet. But he did hope the sea water would wash away some of the sand still stuck to him. 

The medic sensed movement next to his ped and froze. It couldn't be a Decepticon, could it? Glancing down, Ratchet found that it was merely a fish. A fish that seemed to be rather interested in him and his kid.

Comet saw the fish and squealed excitedly, surprisingly not scaring it away. Instead of fleeing from the robots, it swam closer and nibbled at Comet's ped. The sparkling giggled and sat down in the water, it now reaching his shoulders. The fish continued to nip him lightly, and pretty soon more fish came over and joined in.

"Tickle!" Comet exclaimed with laughter, forcing the medic to crack a smile. Comet held his arms out under the water and allowed the increasing school of fish to bombard them with little 'kisses'. A few brave ones had a quick nip at Ratchet's legs, but he merely batted them away. He watched his little sparkling, his spark warming at seeing him so happy.

"Sire look!" Comet said as even more fish gave him attention. Ratchet knelt down and placed a servo on his kid's shoulder. From there he could see there were now hundreds of fish, and Comet was smiling at them all. He was fascinated. It was so cute. 

Then suddenly, Ratchet felt something change inside him.

It was like a twinge in his spark. Like.. something activated. It made him shiver slightly. Comet shivered and felt it too. And suddenly, the medic felt a new sense of adventure, youth and curiosity. Not inside him, but linked to him. Like a bond.

He'd never experienced it before, but there was only one logical explanation:

A bond. One shared between sparkling and Sire. He and Comet's sparks had just bonded.

Ratchet felt his sparkling's happiness and excitement within himself. And Comet could feel his Sire's sudden change in mood. He looked up at him curiously, which Ratchet felt. "What wong Sire?"

Ratchet just looked at him for a moment. He could feel him through the bond. He also felt a deep love for him. An even stronger one than before. 

Ratchet didn't even have to speak. He used the bond to assure Comet that everything was alright. He carried Comet back onto the beach and just sat there on the sand, his sparkling cuddled close in his lap with the medic's arms wrapped around him lovingly. The sun was setting over the ocean horizon, and they both watched contently, feeling the happiness radiate off each-other. Right now they didn't need anyone else.

Right now, it was just Ratchet and his sparkling. His sparkling. No-one else's.

Because it didn't matter that Ratchet wasn't his creator, he was his Sire now. And he would love him and raise him and protect him.

Because from that day, Comet truly became his precious little sparkling.


I loved writing this!!!

Okay, so I start collage next week, so updates will be less frequent :/

But I'll do my best!

Love ya guys!

~Summer Star xx

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