Among the Humans

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[Music - DNA remix. Play once it is mentioned.]

Writing this took me back to when I wrote "Being Human, or Trying At Least" (an old Transformers book I wrote a while back)

I incredibly enjoyed that XD


Ratchet carefully drove his alt down the dusty road, heading for Jasper. Glancing to the passenger's seat, he saw his little Comet watching out the window with bright, wonder-struck eyes. Through the bond, the medic could feel his absolute glee for being outside. He sighed,  remembering how the little one's first time was frightening to say the least.

It was now time to rectify that.

Once they drove into town, Ratchet understandably became slightly nervous. He hardly ever went out into the human world, except the times when everyone else was busy and he had to collect the children from school. But apart from that, and the time they got Comet an alt-mode, never. So it would be a new experience for both father and son.

"Where we going Sire?" Comet asked as they approached the centre of town. 

Ratchet went to answer, but didn't actually have an answer to give. So far, he'd been winging it. There actually was no plan beyond go out among the humans.

"To..." He began unsurely. "To celebrate your Creation Day, I suppose." He said finally. Yeah, that was basically what they were doing.

Comet nodded with a grin, and Ratchet smiled slightly in response. Eventually, they managed to find a parking space. For what Ratchet had heard from the kids, Jasper was always quiet. But today it seemed packed. He hoped that it wouldn't be too busy. His worst fear that day was losing Comet. He didn't want to go through that spark-ache again.

Ratchet exited his alt and looked around. It looked OK. Nothing seemed prominently dangerous. Hearing Comet's excited squeals emanating from inside his alt, he went and got him out, taking his hand immediately. No way in hell was he wandering off. No way.

Comet looked around eagerly. Everything was so amazing and new for him! The little boy squeaked happily and dragged his Sire down the street, looking at everything. Ratchet glanced around, not that impressed. The centre of town was just a bunch of dreary-looking shops. None of which caught Ratchet's eye. And from what he could see they didn't attract anyone else either, because they were all empty.

Where was everyone?

Ratchet looked around cautiously as he and Comet continued to walk. He knew that their should be at least a few people somewhere. But it was a ghost town. He didn't like it, and considered turning back.

"Sire look!" Comet squealed suddenly at pointed ahead. Ratchet looked and saw a bunch of bright lights and music playing. He could also just about make out the forms of some humans. Whatever that was, the whole town was there.

"Letws go!" The kid yelled and dragged Ratchet towards it. Upon getting closer to the event situated just outside the town, there were tons of people, and large metal structures decked out in lights towering above them. Some where spinning, and Ratchet was shocked to see people strapped to them. They were screaming. What was this? Some kind of Decepticon torture chamber?!

While Ratchet was too busy freaking out, a man dressed in staff attire came up to them, bearing a bright smile and offering him a leaflet.

"Hey there! Welcome to the Jasper County Annual Fair!" He said in greeting. Ratchet blinked in surprise of seeing him. He recognised the word "fair" from somewhere, but he couldn't remember where. The kids maybe?

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