Nurse's Visit

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Bumblebee, or 'Beep Beep' as Comet was now calling him, opted to care for the little one while Ratchet went to go get some work done. Comet clambered over Bee like a climbing frame, not that the scout minded one bit. 

Occasionally Ratchet glanced over to see what they were doing and smiled as his son squealed with delight. Comet sat atop of Bee's shoulder and waved over at his father. "Sire!"

Ratchet chuckled. "Hi Comet."

Comet grinned and went back to playing with Bee as June Darby's car drove into the base and pulled up beside Ratchet's station. She exited the car and approached the medic. "Hey Ratchet."

"Hello Nurse Darby, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Ratchet asked, half focused on her and half on his work.

"Just looking for Jack." June replied. "Is he here?"

Ratchet shook his head. "He's out with Arcee."

June nodded and glanced around the base, until her gaze rested on the sparkling swinging on Bumblebee's arm. "Who's that?!"

Ratchet looked round and saw June staring at his child in shock. He walked over and took the little one from Bee. "This is Comet. He's my... Son."

At that point Nurse Darby's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. "You're.. Son?"

::And I'm basically his uncle:: Bee added but was ignored by June.

Ratchet nodded while Comet looked down at June slightly fearfully. Despite being only a Cybertronian toddler, he was still almost double the size of the human femme in height alone.

"But.. Where did he come from?-- who is his mother I mean?" June asked, extremely confused.

Ratchet sighed and readjusted his grip on Comet before explaining. "Comet came to Earth within a statis pod. The Decepticons discovered him but we were able to rescue him before he could be harmed."

June nodded hesitantly, still not taking her eyes of Comet. No wonder he was creeped out. 

"But you said he was your son.."

"Well..I..uh.. Adopted him." Ratchet said finally, not really enjoying explaining everything. "Or rather he adopted me as his Sire--or father as you'd put it."

June stayed quiet for a moment and allowed everything to sink in, then gave a small smile. "Well I'm happy for you Ratchet. I think it's lovely what you're doing for him."

"Thank you." The medic replied plainly, itching to escape the conversation and return to work. As he turned to walk away, Nurse Darby piped up once more:

"Do you know how to look after a child?" She asked doubtfully, to which he replied with a scoff.

"I am a fully qualified doctor, Nurse Darby." Ratchet replied smugly. "I am fully aware of how to care for a sparkling."

June sighed and nodded, then had one final question. An important one no one else had thought about:

"What's Agent Fowler going to do when he finds out about him?" 

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