Papa Ratchet

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(This and the next chapter 'Beep Beep' were supposed to be one chapter, but I thought they'd work better as two)

Thank you to all my readers and reviewers! If you haven't already, I'd love to hear you're thoughts on the story so far!


The Next Day

The sparkling sat on the platform beside his new father's station, watching him work with awe. His bright optics followed each press of a button and each calibration. Occasionally Ratchet would glance over at the child, which made the little one grin once they locked optics.

"What?" Ratchet asked softly, mostly still focused on his work.

His sparkling giggled with laughter. "Sire!" He then proceeded to crawl over and tug on his free servo. Ratchet looked down at him again and picked him up, holding him against his spark chamber. The medic smiled at him softly and continued to work.

"Hello Ratchet." Optimus said in greeting as he came to stand beside them. He smiled down at the sparkling and stroked his faceplate. "And hello to you young one."

The sparkling laughed. "Oppy!"

Ratchet chuckled lightly. "He has a name for everyone already. Arcee has been dubbed 'CeCe'."

Optimus nodded and retracted his servo. "But we still do not have a name for him."

"He may already have a name." Ratchet replied and shifted the child in his arms. His expression turned to one of curiosity and he glanced back down. "Perhaps he remembers it."

"Perhaps." Optimus said.

Ratchet then set the sparkling down on the ground and he and Optimus knelt down either side of him. He smiled and clapped his little servos. "Sire! Oppy!"

Optimus smirked softly. "I am Optimus. Op-ti-mus."

The sparkling tilted his helm to the side. "Oppy?"

"No, Op-ti-mus." Prime repeated slowly and clearly.

The sparkling didn't seem to register what Prime had said and pointed at him. "Oppy." He then pointed to Ratchet. "Sire." And then he pointed back at himself. "Commee."

"Comme?" Optimus questioned unsurely.

Ratchet thought for a moment, then his optics widened. "Comet!"

The sparkling squealed in delight and his Sire laughed. "I.. Com-et!"

"Yes that's right!" Ratchet exclaimed proudly and took his son up in his arms. "Hello Comet."

Ratchet's Sparkling 🧡 Transformers Prime [Officially Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now