Doctors and Nurses

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[Music: Reggaetón Lento Remix by Little Mix & CNCO - it'll make sense once you read.]

Que Comet the little patient, Dr Ratchet and Nurse Bumblebee :3


Comet was on bedrest for at least 3 days before Ratchet was going to even consider letting him get up, meaning that he, along with the others would have to care for him even more than before.

Ratchet, being a doctor of course was used to looking after sick 'bots, but he'd barely had experience with sparklings before the arrival of little Comet, except for a couple of cases back in Iacon so many years ago.

From testing Comet's Energon sample, the medic had confirmed that Comet was indeed suffering from sparkling fever. How he'd become infected though he had no idea. Perhaps Wheeljack had brought some harmful bacteria in when he visited? Maybe it was one of the others? 

Thankfully, the illness was fairly easy to treat.

Sparkling fever occurres when harmful bacteria infiltrates a young Cybertronian's system and weakens them completely. It's a virus. One that can incubate within adult 'bots, but only affects sparklings as their immune systems are not fully developed and therefore cannot fight back efficiently. Many cases were tackled back on Cybertron and no fatalities were recorded.

Ratchet however was taking no chances. Whatsoever.

Comet was to stay on the berth in his medbay where he could keep an optic on him, and he had to rest. Not that the sparkling protested. Being so weak and tired meant he didn't feel like playing and slept a lot more then usual. Ratchet had to wake him to give him his Energon rations and administer his medicine, but apart from that, Comet was unnervingly quiet.

And let me tell you, it was freaking everyone out.

Bumblebee spent a lot of time trying to spend time trying to cheer up the little patient. He brought him Floofers, forcing a tiny smile from the kid, whom took the bear and cuddled it sleepily.

Bee smiled and also offered him his toy Hummer, which surprisingly Comet declined. The scout frowned in confusion.

::You don't want your Hummer?::

Comet simply murmured, not quite being able to understand his 'beeps' yet and began to slip into recharge. Ratchet came over, holding a bottle of Energon in his servo. The liquid had a strange yellow tint to it, as Ratchet had mixed the fever's antidote in as opposed to injecting it directly into Comet's fuel veins. The only problem is this made it taste funny.

Ratchet held the bottle in one servo and used the other to gently shake the kid out of sleep. "Comet? Wake up, its time for your Energon."

Comet groaned groggily and shook his head. "No.."

"Come on, you have to." Ratchet insisted, promoting his sparkling to turn over so he had his back to him. Bee watched quietly.


Ratchet grumbled and rubbed his faceplate in frustration. He was tired and really didn't have much patience left. "Now Comet."

Comet turned his head back around and half-opened his weak optics. He pouted. "It taste icky."

Ratchet growled lowly. He was seriously about to snap. "I don't care if it tastes 'icky', if you don't drink it you'll become under-fueled and you won't get better."

Bee could only watch as both mechs refused to back down. It wasn't Comet's fault for being snappy and really not himself. He felt so weak and (basically crap). And to be fair, the Energon-medicine concoction did taste foul.

"Don't want it!" Comet said crankily and turned back again.

"Comet." Ratchet warned, raising his voice a little.

"No!" Came the sharp reply.

Bumblebee thought for a moment on how to help. If he didn't things were gonna get ugly. Then he had an idea. Quickly, he went over to Ratchet's computer and pulled up what he needed. The scout gave a small, confident smirk to the medic and hit play.

"Boy I can see, the way you dance and move that body..."

Comet's optics snapped open and he turned back over, gaze locked on Bee over at the computer with a happy grin forming.

"I know that it's crazy, but I feel like you could be the one that I've been chasing in my dreams.."

Ratchet narrowed his optics in confusion to Comet's response. He didn't understand what was so appealing about the music.

"Boy I can see, you're looking at me like you want it.."

Comet clapped his little servos and adorned a cute smile. He wasn't cranky anymore.

"But usually I'm like 'whatever' but tonight, the way you moving got me with my mind.."

Bumblebee motioned for Ratchet to try again. The medic gave him a questioning look and brought the bottle up to his sparkling's lips. Surprisingly, the sick sparkling didn't resist and simply allowed his Sire to feed him calmly. Ratchet's optics widened in surprise.

"Good boy." He said softly as the music accompanied his words.

"It started when I looked in her eyes, I got close and I'm like Balimos! Hey!"

Comet slowly drank the bottle and finished it, much to Ratchet's relief. He gently stroked his sparkling's helm and Bee came back over with a victorious smirk crossing his faceplate. 

 "La noche está para un reggaetón lento, de esos que no se bailan hace tiempo.." 

 Ratchet looked to the scout inquisitively. "How did you know that would work?"

Bumblebee shrugged simply. ::Raf likes that song because of the Spanish bits. He played it in here the other day and Comet just seemed to like it.::

 "Yo sólo la miré y me gustó, me pegué y la invité: "Bailemos?.."  

Ratchet chuckled a little and smiled slightly down at Comet. "I'll have to remember that." 

 "So now we dancing un reggaetón lento, just get a little closer, baby, let go."


Those are all the genuine lyrics.

Plus I'm currently obsessed with that song, so yeah.

Wrote this at my mates, who decided to go back to bed and leave me alone for 2 hours.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed ;3

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