Ratchet Kicks Tailpipe

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[Music: I'd Love To Change The World Remix -  because that's what Ratchet wants to do - change the course of the war.]

Still struggling with writing based on a episode. :/


"She's hurt." Ratchet stated and set Comet down. He looked to Raf quickly while already getting into motion. "Man the Groundbridge, and watch Comet." He instructed and ran through the bridge at impressive (for him) speed.

Comet whined once he saw his Sire go. He never left the base. He never went anywhere without him. Using as much speed as the little one could build up, Comet waddled through the Groundbridge after him. Raf had no way of stopping him - he may be a Cybertronian toddlar but he was still way bigger than the kid.

"Comet!" Raf yelled in panic as he went through. Unfortunately, the Groundbridge was around 30ft off the ground. Comet yelped and fell with a dusty thud. Thankfully he gained no injuries, merely scratches.

Comet sat up and looked around, seeing a circle of Decepticons close by. He whimpered at the prospect of them turning and seeing him, but they were focused on something else. The 'Cons shifted slightly, then started to be thrown all around to the sound of punches, slashes and screeches. The sparkling tilted his head to the side as the purple robots fell in a frenzy. Once they cleared, his optics widened as he saw his Sire was wrecking them. 

Ratchet kicked and punched furiously, not gaining a single scratch himself. Comet watched in awe. It was.. Memorizing. 

As the 'Cons were defeated, Knockout and Breakdown watched helplessly from the sidelines. Neither of them noticed Comet sitting not far from them. In the end they were too busy fleeing once Optimus and the others arrived. Bumblebee helped Arcee up and Ratchet took out the rest of the 'Cons, finishing his rampage with a "Hoo-ah!"

Comet giggled and clapped while jogging over to the 'bots. "Go Sire!!"

Ratchet looked down to see his sparkling grinning and swept him up, throwing him up a little and catching him with a smug chickle. "Hey Comet! Did you see that? I kicked 'Con tailpipe!"

Comet giggled in response while the other 'bots looked at him in horror. "What is he doing here?!" Arcee exclaimed, a little weak from her fall.

Ratchet shrugged and called Raf for a Groundbridge. Once one swirled open (on the ground this time) he strolled through carrying his son. Optimus sighed and signalled for the others to follow.


Once safely back in the base, Ratchet was immediately bombarded with questions concerning his recent performance in the field. He proudly presented them with his completed Synthetic Energon formula, much to everyone's excitement. Except Optimus.

"I question the wisdom of using yourself as a test subject." He said, his tone riddled with concern. He then advised that further testing be on machines, and not on Autobots. This displeased Ratchet. He 'knew' he'd done it. The formula was stable. There was absolutely nothing to worry about.  


"Hey Comet!" Ratchet cheered once he'd finished demonstrating his newfound strength and speed to Bulk and Bee, and rather confusing Arcee. "Wanna play?"

Comet's optics brightened with hope. Last time he'd wanted to play his Sire was busy. But not now. "Really?"

Ratchet simply chuckled and snatched him up and launched a tickle attack. Comet squealed and wiggled while Ratchet continued. The sparkling managed to slip free and playfully tried to make a break for it - but Ratchet was faster now. Within seconds Comet was gently rugby-tackled to the ground and being tickled again. Both 'bots burst into a fit of laughter and stopped from tiredness.

That was when Ratchet realised the Synth-En was wearing off.

Comet clambered onto his Sire's shoulders and he carried him to where the remaining Synthetic Energon was being stored. Ratchet took one of the 2 jars and injected himself once more, this time not passing out. The substance took control once more and he felt his playful energy returning.

As long as he was taking the Synth-En, Ratchet would remain stronger, faster, and at the top of his game.

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