Muffin Maniac (Pt. 2)

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Pic: Ratchet's apron XD


It was 1am in the morning, and the group were still baking.

June had summoned her son from upstairs to assist. And by that, I mean she practically dragged him down the stairs and threw an apron at him.

Eventually, Ratchet and June had agreed to make a series of different muffins. Chocolate, sponge, velvet, and marble muffins. But... Ratchet decided not to stop at just one batch of each...

"Miko hurry up with that icing!" The medic yelled while pulling out the 5th tray of chocolate muffins out of the oven before setting it with the over hoard of cakes. June and Jack were making mix for another batch of sponge muffins. Ratchet had Raf help Comet make his own little cake as he didn't want him to get burned by accident. Comet had, very enthusiastically might I say, made a little chocolate cake he was currently in the process of covering with green frosting. Comet was covered in more frosting than there was on his cake though. 

But, halfway through making his cake, Comet accidentally spilled a whole bag of flour over himself, which kinda annoyed Ratchet. Comet found it funny though.

"Sire! I had flwour shower!" He giggled, completely covered.

Ratchet grumbled. "Comet I needed that!" He sighed before grabbing another bag and continuing his confectionery quest.

"Miko faster!" Ratchet yelled impatiently, wiping a bit of dried blue frosting from his cheek, and wiping it on the chef's apron he'd added to his holoform for the occasion.

The apron read: "You better be nice to me. I'm responsible for what goes in your food."

And after seeing that, the children were reluctant to try Ratchet's cakes.

2am. Still baking.

"Jack! More mix! Quick!" June ordered her son while she and Ratchet frosted the 22nd tray of muffins. Jack tiredly complied. Comet and Raf had fallen asleep on the flour covered kitchen counter around half an hour ago. Miko was getting sluggish, and Jack just wanted to go to bed. 

"Ratchet, mom, can we stop now?" Jack asked tiredly, his eyelids drooping.

"No! Not until we have enough muffins!" Ratchet screeched back and, somehow slightly menacingly, picked up the frosting bag. He too was covered in flour and frosting. Everyone was.

"Ratch' we've made over 200 muffins! We have enough!" Miko retaliated tiredly, pointing at the stacks upon stacks of multicolored cakes. "We need sleep!"

Upon hearing the screeching, Comet woke halfway and looked up, rubbing his bleary eyes. "Sire?.."

Ratchet glanced over at him and sighed before nodding. "Alright.. We're done."

Jack sighed in relief and said a tired "goodnight" before trudging upstairs to get some sleep, Miko following to crash on his floor.

June yawned and picked up Raf carefully and set him on one of the couches in the living room, pulling a blanket over the sleeping boy. Ratchet scooped Comet up and silently, but evidently tiredly lay down on the other couch with the little sparkling lying on his chest. It didn't take long for sleep to take them both.

June saw and gently draped a blanket over the father and son. She chuckled before picking a bit of eggshell from Ratchet's hair, then turned out the lights and headed to bed herself.


The next morning June rose early to clean up the bomb site of a mess they'd left the kitchen in the night before. Passing through the lounge, she was blessed with the sight of Ratchet, still asleep and cuddling little Comet protectively against his chest. The little boy was snuggled up in his arms happily and it was adorable! 

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