Long Night

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This story is literally my escape from reality. 

If you're enjoying it, please let me know! ;)

Prepare to be bombarded with cuteness, fluff and feels...


That night was one of the longest and most tense any of the Autobots had endured for a long time. Ratchet had finally been stabilised, but he had yet to wake. Comet on the other hand was the opposite. No matter how hard anyone tried the sparkling refused to sleep. Even if they managed to coax him to his berth he would run back past them and straight towards his Sire. Then he would have to be carried off - Optimus felt that Comet shouldn't have to see Ratchet like this.

Prime didn't like having to keep Comet away from his parent, but he was already distressed enough. He'd cried so much they'd had to give him 2 Energon bottles already. His current state was exhausting him and they all knew it wasn't healthy.

At 1 A.M. , after a couple of hours of failing to put Comet to bed, the remaining Autobots took it in turns to take him and provide comfort. Bumblebee opted to go first of course. (You know how much he loves that sparkling.) He'd try to distract him by playing with him, but Comet simply wouldn't cooperate and ask for his Sire.

At 2 A.M. Bulkhead got him next. He didn't have much to do with Comet usually so he just kinda held him. In the end he turned on the TV and tried to get him to watch some cheesy kid's show. Comet kept glancing over to the sleeping Ratchet.

At 3.A.M. He was left with Arcee. As she was also inexperienced with the sparkling she tried to occupy him with his toy Hummer Ratchet had built for him. Comet hugged it tearfully and started crying for his Sire again. 

Bad call Arcee.

At 3:30 A.M. Optimus was reminded that he too would have to take a turn and was handed the sparkling by an irritated Arcee. The Prime had been watching over Ratchet up until that point but left the medical bay as not to upset Comet further. He held the sparkling securely in one arm and thought a change of scenery may benefit him. 

The Prime stood on top of the base roof looking up at the stars. The leader had told the others to go get what little rest they could while he took his turn. Comet stared up at the shining orbs of light with interest. 

"Shiny.." Comet muttered tiredly. Optimus chuckled lightly and pointed out a few of the constellations visible. Comet listened intently as Optimus spoke. Something about his voice was calming and provided the kid with a sense of comfort, making him relax and his optic-lids start to droop.

At 4:05 A.M. Comet finally fell into recharge.

Optimus sighed quietly in relief once he realized the sparkling was asleep. He made his way back inside the base. Once he came back into the main hanger Bee walked in, rubbing his optic. He'd clearly just woken up.

"Bumblebee, you should be in recharge." Optimus whispered to not disturb Comet.

Bee shrugged and looked at the sleeping sparkling. ::I was worried about Comet, and you need to sleep too.::

"I am fine." Optimus insisted, although tiredness was evident in his voice.

Bumblebee held out his arms. ::It's my turn to take him anyway.::

Optimus sighed in defeat and ever-so carefully laid Comet in Bee's arms, his helm resting on his shoulder. "Thank you Bumblebee."

Bee nodded and Optimus retired for what remained of the night. Bumblebee sat cross-legged on the floor with his back against the wall. He shifted Comet a little so he was lay flat between his arm and his chestplate. The sparkling nuzzled Bee's arm and hugged his arm contently. Laying his own helm back against the wall, Bee relaxed slightly, but was still aware in case Comet needed him. 

If Comet ever needed him. No matter when or where, Bee would always be there for him.


At 7 A.M. Ratchet stirred a little, his optic-lids fluttering slightly. From Bee's position he noticed and went to Optimus' berth room to alert their leader. He was already half-awake and came immediately. Bulkhead and Arcee were also woken by their movements and came with them. 

Ratchet's optics opened weakly and he looked around unsurely. He tried to sit up, but Optimus came quickly and gently pushed him back down.

"Easy old friend." He said, tone full of relief. "You lost a lot of Energon. Good, and bad."

Ratchet looked at the Prime regretfully. "I.. didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just wanted so badly to--"

"Help us. We know." Optimus said for him, wearing a small, grateful smile. "But you nearly caused the loss of something irreplaceable: Our medic. And most trusted friend, and beloved Sire."

Ratchet's optics widened slightly at the last part and he scanned the room. "Comet? Where is he? Is he alright?"

Optimus placed a servo on the medic's shoulder. "Comet is fine." At that point Bumblebee came over, still carrying the sparkling, still flat out. Ratchet gave a sigh of relief while Bee glared slightly. ::He heard everything.::

Ratchet's expression turned to one of regret and slightly of horror. He looked down in shame, then looked and Comet and motioned for him to be handed the child. Bee reluctantly passed over the sleeping sparkling and Ratchet cradled him lovingly, as if he were a newborn. The medic lightly brushed Comet's faceplate, waking him gently. Once Comet's optics opened they locked on to their holder's. He was wide awake now. "Sire?"

Ratchet smiled and nodded. "Comet I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry."

Comet took notice that his Sire's eyes were no longer green, but the bright, loving blue he'd become accustomed too and missed. He smiled widely and cuddled Ratchet, the medic hugging him tightly in response. Ratchet sobbed lightly, but happily. Comet did too. He had his Sire back - his real Sire. Life couldn't be better for him now.

"I wuv you Sire." Comet cried happily and buried his faceplate in Ratchet's chest, being wary of his injury.

Ratchet smiled joyfully, a rouge Energon tear rolling down his faceplate as he held the mech that mattered most in his arms. It was truly a perfect moment.

"I... I love you too Comet."


FEELS!!! <3

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