Baby Steps

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[Music: In The End by Linkin Park]

Chapter 10 guys! Fastest I've ever updated a story!

*This chapter is also sorta a tribute to Linkin Park's late singer Chester Bennington, who died yesterday. I haven't been a fan for long, but I loved his songs and will miss him dearly.*

*RIP Chester*


Now Comet had a real toy to play with, Ratchet could get some work done on his Synthetic Energon project. The little sparkling crawled around at impressive speed, pulling the green truck with him.

Miko was sat on Bulkhead's shoulder close by, playing Linkin Park on her guitar while her guardian headbanged. 

"I've tried so hard, and got so far!" Miko sang (or rather yelled) while playing rapidly. "But in the end, it doesn't even matter!" 

Comet looked up from playing and gazed up at Miko, smiling. He listened to the rhythm and wanted to get closer. "Ooh!"

Bulkhead noticed the sparkling and chuckled. "Hey Miko, Comet likes you're playing."

Miko looked down and saw that the olive 'bot was correct, and raised her fist in the air. "Yes! I got him into rock!!"

Bulkhead went over and picked him up with ease. "Somehow I don't think Ratchet's gonna be too happy about that." 

Miko laughed. "You're probably right." 

Comet giggled in Bulkhead's grasp just as Optimus and Bumblebee came in. ::Hey guys.::

"Hey Bee." Bulk said while Comet smiled at Optimus and held his arms out to him. "Oppy!"

Even Optimus couldn't help but crack a small smile at Comet being his adorable little self and took him into his own arms. The sparkling laughed and hugged the red mech, who patted his back gently in response. (He's not much of a hugger.)

Optimus held him for a couple of minutes before setting him onto the floor ever-so gently. Comet looked around until he saw Bee and squealed! "Beep Beep!"

Bee buzzed with delight and kneeled down, holding his arms out to him. ::Come here Comet!::

Comet laughed and got ready to go, but he wasn't crawling. The little sparkling got onto his knees, then steadied himself and tried to stand shakily.

Optimus' optics widened and he quickly positioned his servos either side of him in case he fell. "He's going to try to walk."

Bee whirled in excitement and pulled Bulkhead over. ::RATCHET!! ARCEE!! COME QUICK!::

"What in the name of Primus is it Bumblebee?!" Ratchet yelled grumpily while stomping in, Arcee following promptly. But then he saw Comet standing, and you could see the emotion flood into his optics. He raced over to Bumblebee and knelt beside him and motioned for Comet to come to him. "Come here Comet."

There was a tense silence, with all optics now on Comet. The sparkling stood steadily on his peds for the first time and looked to his Sire with accomplishment. Bee moved away and stood on the side with a camera. He was going to document every moment of this. From behind, Optimus gently encouraged the little one to move, and he placed his right ped forward slowly, then pulled his left in front. Ratchet's expression was beaming with pride with each step his child took.

"That's right! Keep coming.." Ratchet said gently and held his arms open to the approaching sparkling. Optimus stayed close beside him in case he slipped, but at most he stumbled slightly, but he managed to stay upright. Bee kept filming and beeped emotionally, while Bulk and Arcee watched from the side.

Comet kept moving slowly, one ped in front of the other, with his arms stretched outwards for balance. When he was a few meters from Ratchet, Optimus backed off for the final stretch. Ratchet smiled at Comet, his optics soft and loving. The sparkling stepped closer and closer, each stronger and more balanced than the last. Three steps, two steps, one last big step and Comet was swept up by his proud Sire while everyone present cheered with joy and delight.

"You did it Comet! You walked!" Ratchet said joyfully and hugged his son tightly. Of course Comet hugged back. Bee still had the camera and was bouncing with glee, Arcee cracked a small smile, Bulkhead had an happy Energon tear lining his optic, but no one commented. But Optimus felt proud. Proud that the last young Cybertronian was growing up so well. At least they'd managed to save one sparkling.

At this point Miko grabbed her guitar and started strumming 'In The End' again. "Go on Comet! Walking today, rocking tommorow!"

Ratchet couldn't help but keep smiling. A rare sight for the medic. But today he knew he was parenting Comet right, and if he nurtured him enough, who knows what he could become?

But today was accomplishment enough, and Ratchet was already planning Comet's reward.

And it was in the form of more toy cars.

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