Muffin Maniac (Pt. 1)

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Its been a while I know.

Collage work, life, etc. Busy busy.

Anyway this was gonna be one part but ended up being so long I split it into two :)

Enjoy ;)


Now we all know Ratchet is a perfectionist.

Once he starts making something, he won't stop until its completely perfect. He gets obsessed.

So one thing you should never do is challenge the Doctor of Doom to anything.

It all started one day when Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead were all out on a mission, and it was time for the kids to be picked up from school. Optimus was busy with his own work so Ratchet was tasked with the school run. And Comet, being the little darling he is wanted to go with his Sire. 

So, being the good Sire he is, Ratchet got them both into holoform, strapped Comet into his carseat and headed to the school. Comet watched out the window in delight as always, making Ratchet chuckle. One of the only things he liked about leaving base was seeing Comet's sheer wonder of the humans' world.

Ratchet pulled up outside the school by the main entrance to see Jack and Raf waiting there for their ride. They looked initially surprised to see the medic had come for them rather then their guardians, but a ride was a ride.

"Hey Ratchet." Jack greeted as the ambulance's door popped open and the boy hopped in.

"Hi Ratchet." Raf  also greeted as he did the same. He smiled at the little toddlar sat there once he saw him. "Hey Comet."

"Hewwo Rafwy and Jwak!" Comet giggled back sweetly. Ratchet however was watching out for the last of the three children.

"Where's Miko?" He questioned.

"Detention, again." Raf sighed. 

Ratchet groaned. He really didn't want to wait around. 

"Scrap this." His holoform mumbled as he got out of his alt, slamming the door.

"Wait where you going?" Jack asked from his seat inside Ratchet's alt.

"To get Miko." He shouted back as he stomped inside the school. He wasn't going to wait Primus knows how long for her. The medic had never actually been inside a human school before, but he always assumed they were similar to Cybertronian ones. But from what the children had described it was supposedly hell.

Ratchet went around looking through the windows of the classroom doors until he saw Miko sat inside, looking like she was literally about to fall asleep. Without even bothering to knock the medic walked in, catching everyone in the room's attention. The other kids there stared at him in confusion. Miko looked delighted.

"Uncle Raymond!" She said slowly, giving Ratchet an expression that screamed 'play along!'. "You've come to get me?"

"You're Miko's uncle?" The teacher in charge of detention asked skeptically, seeing as she'd never heard of Miko having a uncle living in the area before.

"Yes he's my uncle!" Miko exclaimed quickly, desperate to get out of there as she made  up the lie. "He's visiting from... Sweden."

The teacher raised an eyebrow and looked to 'Raymond' himself. "Is that true Sir?"

Ratchet went silent for a moment, then discretely gave Miko a displeased look and nodded. "Yes. I am Miko's uncle. I've come to collect her."

"I'm afraid she has detention for the next--"

"Don't care. I'm taking her now." He interrupted as Miko jumped up and strolled out the door alongside him, despite the teacher's protests. There wasn't much she could do to stop them.

"Thanks 'Uncle Ray'." Miko mused with a smirk.

Ratchet lowered his eyelids. Clearly not amused. "Don't call me that."

Miko smirked as they walked, they were about to reach sweet freedom outside. Unfortunately, a middle-aged woman with red hair blocked their path.

"Ready for the bake-sale tomorrow Miko?" She questioned far-too enthusiastically. 

"Not participating." The young girl answered un-enthusiastically.

"You know it's compulsory Miko. Everyone has to bring something."

"Sorry, but who are you exactly?" Ratchet asked with a frown, making the woman smile and outstretch her hand to shake.

"Veronica. Vince's mother." 

Ratchet declined shaking her hand and hummed in understanding. He knew Vince was Jack's bully. "So you're the mother of the boy that bullies Jack Darby."

Veronica frowned even more, a slight glare thrown in. "My Vince would never do something like that. Jack is lying."

"Vince is the only lair is this situation!" Miko growled in retaliation.

"Ep ep ep. Miko I'll handle this." Ratchet said calmly and looked Veronica dead in the eyes. "I assume Vince will be competing in this 'bake-sale' tomorrow?"

"It isn't a competition, but yes. Vince and I will be baking together yes." She answered, still holding her overly-friendly smile.

Ratchet smirked mischievously. "Then to answer your previous question, yes. Miko will be entering the competition. And Jack. And they're going to beat you and your son's tatty tasteless goods."

At those words, Veronica's forced smile crumbled into a annoyed glare. So much for that overly nice exterior. 

"Vince and I always have the best cupcakes in the school." She sneered.

"Oh we'll see about that, Veronica." Ratchet sneered back as he lead Miko back to his alt. Once they got in and headed off, Jack asked what had taken so long.

"Ratchet's just started World War Cake.." Miko replied, slightly fearfully.


It was around 7:30 in the evening when June Darby heard a knock at her door.

And who was there was seriously the last person, well, people she expected to see.

Opening her door, she found Ratchet stood in holoform, holding Comet's holoform, with Miko and Raf alongside them.

Before June could ask what they were doing there, Ratchet barged in, looking around the house expectantly.  

"I need to use your cooking facilities." He said as he searched for the kitchen, while Comet giggled and waved at June.

June gave a frown, along with a raised eyebrow as she followed the medic. "Excuse me?"

"You heard. I--er, the children.." Ratchet began but corrected himself quickly. "Need to bake something for the school sale tomorrow. The base doesn't have an adequate cooking facility." They reached June's kitchen, and Ratchet began pulling ingredients out of the cupboards while Comet went rooting through the lower cupboards and ended up with a colander on his head.

"And you offered to help them?" June questioned in surprise. 

"Yes." Came the blunt answer.


"Reasons." Ratchet called over his shoulder. He lifted Comet (who still had the colander on his head and looked really happy about it) and sat him on the counter while he grabbed a cookbook off the side and got to work.

"Ratchet's declared cake war on Vince's mum." Miko whispered to June lowly, so Ratchet couldn't hear. "Best cakes wins."

Upon hearing that June's expression hardened. A chance to beat her dear son's bully and his equally horrible mother at something?

"Move over Ratchet." June commanded as she rolled up her sleeves and stomped over. "I'm helping."



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