'Bots Get Spoopy

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Music: Thriller by Micheal Jackson XD


Hope you guys enjoy ;)

And prepare to meet a couple of new characters I've created... ;)

"No, no, absaloutly not!" Ratchet insisted, quickly picking up Comet and walking away as Bumblebee pouted.

"But Ratchet it's a Halloween party!" Miko whined, showing him the flyer they'd picked up on the way there. "Everyone goes--"

"Well Comet and me are not." Ratchet answered sternly.

"Why not--"

"Do you not remember last Halloween?!" He said in disbelief, shivering at the 'horrid' memories of last year's events.

Comet giggled though at the mention of last year. "It was fwun!"

Ratchet looked down at his child in horror, a intense flashback clouding his mind. "No... No it wasn't.."

Last Halloween, the kids had roped Ratchet into taking them, and little Comet trick or treating. Comet, of course, was completely up for it. And so for him Ratchet gritted his teeth and went.

For the most part of the night, everything had gone relatively alright. Until they reached a certain housing estate....

Comet went bounding up to the front door, his Sire telling him to be careful. They rang the doorbell, and a few young lads answered.

"Trick or treat!"

The boys simply grinned, pulling a cord beside them. "TRICK!"

And just like that, Ratchet was coated in green sludge.

And then they threw toilet roll and rubber snakes at him. But Ratchet thought they were real, and hysterically ran down the street, screaming and trying to shake them off as the children helplessly watched him streak away.


::.. Ratchet?::



The medic was snapped out of it by a confused looking Bumblebee.

::You alright?::

Ratchet nodded slowly, still looking partially out of it. "I just had a horrible flashback Bumblebee..."

Bumblebee frowned, but nodded slowly.

Optimus and Bulkhead then entered the room, Optimus flinching slightly as Ratchet looked over at him. Since the wrenching of the Prime, he'd been wary of him.

"Is.. Everything alright?" Optimus asked, staying a safe distance from the medic. Just in case.

"No!" Miko quickly answered. "Ratchet's being a grumpy old man and won't take us to the Halloween party!"

"I am not that old." Ratchet grumbled.

Miko smirked, having a devious idea. "Yes you are. You're ancient."

"I am not." He handed Comet to Bumblebee carefully so he could cross his arms with a huff.

"You're practically rusting already."

He growled lowly.

"And so decrepit it's unbelievable!" She giggled.

"Why you little--" He hissed, quickly getting annoyed with the child.

Ratchet's Sparkling 🧡 Transformers Prime [Officially Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now