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This is more of a filler chapter really, hopefully it's okay though.

Since you guys seem to be enjoying the story, I thought you might like to help with a future detail:

Sooner or later, Ratchet will have to take Comet out to pick a vehicle mode. My question is... What do you want it to be? It would most likely be a car. Also whatever it is will be much smaller then the conventional model (due to Comet's age) and orange in colour.

If you have a suggestion, please let me know in the comments/reviews section! ;)


It was safe to say that Ratchet had a lot of making up to do - especially to his little sparkling.

Optimus had forgiven him, as had Arcee and Bulkhead. But Bumblebee was still angry with him for behaving so recklessly when he had a child depending on him. He'd seen how scared the youngster was, and he hated it. But now Comet was just glad to have his Sire back.

He still remembered what Ratchet did though.

Ratchet's injury was healing well. Within that day he was back up on his peds. Comet never left his side, not that his Sire protested. Optimus had barred him from doing anything strenuous and made crystal clear that he wasn't to test any future projects on himself, or any other Autobots.

In an attempt to make things better, Ratchet kept his earlier promise and constructed a new toy car for Comet. This new addition was a 2007 yellow Camaro with black racing stripes. It wasn't as well detailed as the green hummer on account of Ratchet still recovering, but his child didn't care. Comet was thrilled as you can imagine, mostly because his Sire had made it especially for him, but because it also reminded him of his 'Uncle Beep Beep'. 

As soon as the yellow car was complete and Ratchet gave it to Comet, he squealed happily and jumped over, waddling to Bumblebee. The scout smiled once he saw him and knelt down to his level. ::Whatcha got there Comet?::

The sparkling grinned and held up the toy car. "It you!"

Bumblebee chuckled a little and took the car into his own servos to get a closer look. To be fair, Ratchet had done a very good job despite his condition. ::Well isn't that cool!:: He handed Comet back the car and he started running round with it ecstatically to show the other 'bots. 

Ratchet smiled from afar as his little sparkling proudly showed off the toy. Optimus smiled softly and said how nice it was. Comet smiled and waddled off to play while Bumblebee approached Ratchet. The scout frowned at him with crossed arms. ::Did you make that car look like me to make everything right?::

Ratchet sighed and eyed Bee sonemly. "Bumblebee I am sorry for what I did. Testing the Synthetic Energon on myself was a stupid and reckless thing to do, especially with Comet around. I swear, on my spark, that I will never be so foolish again."

Bee eyed him, a little unconvinced. ::You promise?::

Ratchet nodded. "I love him Bee, and I don't want him to get hurt again."

Bee nodded with a small smirk infiltrating his faceplate a moment later. ::That car really does look very cool.::

Ratchet chuckled lightly. "I thought it was a rather flattering rendition of you."

Bee laughed just as Bulkhead arrived back at base, with Jack, Raf and Miko with him. All of them immediately grabbed something from Bulk's boot and came over to Ratchet and Bee.

::Did you get it?:: Bumblebee asked Raf. The boy nodded and handed the cargo to the scout. In his large palm now sat a white teddy bear with brown eyes and a red bow around it's neck. Ratchet eyed it curiously and Bee smirked. ::I asked Raf to get it for me off EBay. It's for Comet.::

Ratchet cracked a smile and ushured his sparkling back over. "Oh Comet, Uncle Bee's got a surprise for you!"


Guys, name the teddy bear! The more random the name the better! XD

Ratchet's Sparkling 🧡 Transformers Prime [Officially Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now