All Alone

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It had now been just over a week since Comet had been found by the Autobots and everything was actually going quite well for once. Ratchet seemed happier now, Bee was a proud uncle, and Optimus was overjoyed that at least one young Cybertronian endured. 

Then again, nothing stays perfect forever.

Decepticon activity was on the rise, Optimus thought in response to Comet being taken from them. This obviously worried Ratchet, as they still were unaware what plans Megatron had for the sparkling.

"I'm picking up Decepticon activity just outside of Jasper." Ratchet announced to the team who stood to attention immediately.

"Another Energon mine?" Arcee asked while she stood beside Bulkhead near the Groundbridge. Optimus stood near, and shook his head.

"Perhaps." He said solemnly, then briefly glanced down at Comet, who was currently playing with metal building blocks his Sire had found for him beside the Prime's ped. "Or perhaps they're looking for something far more valuable."

Bumblebee followed Optimus' gaze and whirled. ::We'll protect him::

"Yes we will." Ratchet added and opened the Groundbridge. Comet's optics widened in awe at the swirling mass of green before him. "Ooh!" He cooed and edged ever so closer.

Optimus walked towards the bridge, Arcee, Bulk and Bee following closely. They transformed into vehicle mode and headed through. But what no one noticed was that Comet had climbed on to the back of Bulkhead and gone through with them. 

Ratchet was too busy monitoring the screen to see his son be taken straight back towards the Decepticons. 


"Spread out." Optimus commanded once they came through. The site was an old quarry sorounded by trees and greenery. Before Bulkhead transformed Comet hopped off and gazed around. It was mesmerizing for the little one. He'd never seen the outside world before (on Earth at least).

His optics locked on the lime-green bushes a few feet away and he crawled underneath them like it was a pillow fort. Green was all he saw, and muffled voices all he heard - something about "Energon deposits." Minutes later the clamping of multiple sets of peds went past the bushes before a swirling ceased them. 

Then there was quiet. An unnerving quiet.

"Oppy?" Comet called out as he crawled out the bushes. He looked around for the lead 'bot but saw nobody.

"CeCe?" He asked and crawled around anxiously. Still no reply.

"Bulky?.. Beep?.." He cried while blue Energon tears welled up in his optics. "H-hello?.."

No answer came anywhere, and the tears started flowing as he curled up tightly in a ball in the clearing. There was only one mech he wanted right now:

"S-sire? Sire.. I.. S-scared...."


Optimus lead the team as they reentered the base. Ratchet nodded at them and closed the Groundbridge once all 4 were through. "What was it?"

"Energon vain. Small but salvageable." Bulk said while placing some Energon crystals on the floor. Bee put his load down and looked around for their little sparkling. ::Comet?::

No reply came. No squeal or cheer. Bee frowned and did a 360. ::Where's Comet?::

Ratchet looked up from his workstation for the first time since before the team left. His optics scanned the room and found no sign of his son. "Comet?" When he didn't answer the medic ran around searching for him while calling his name, his tone becoming more feaful by the second.

Finally, Ratchet stopped and looked at the Groundbridge, and he reliased where his child had gone.

"Comet.. No.."

Ratchet's Sparkling 🧡 Transformers Prime [Officially Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now