Sire's Gone Crazy..

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Advise from Ratchet: Don't do drugs kids.. :/


"Looks like the 'Cons hit another vein." Arcee muttered once the alert sounded on the monitor.

Optimus nodded and looked to the team. "Autobots, roll out."

"Woah hey, shouldn't we wait for our secret weapon?" Bulkhead asked, making Optimus frown.

"This mission is unlikely to require medical expertise."

"But you never know if it could require additional firepower." Ratchet said smugly and strolled into the main hanger, with Comet still on his shoulders happily. "Bumblebee can handle Groundbridge duty."

Bumblebee shrugged and activated the Groundbridge. Ratchet walked over to the bridge, but was stopped by Optimus' servo in his path.

"Comet cannot come with us." The Prime said seriously, the sparkling in question whining in response. Ratchet grumbled and pulled Comet down from his shoulders, setting him on the human platform.

Comet pouted, and Ratchet smirked and winked. "I'll be back soon."

Comet smiled and the medic turned and strolled through the Groundbridge. Optimus, Bulk and Arcee followed while Bumblebee scooped up the sparkling. ::Uncle Bee will look after you::


Once on the mission Ratchet worked faster than his teammates. The Synth-En gave him a considerable advantage over well... Everyone.

His swift movements allowed him to attack the Decepticons before they could even call for help. Ratchet crushed and sliced through the hoards like some kind of industrial killing machine. 'Cons fell in mass every second. The enhanced medic was in his prime.

"It's alright, I'm an emergency vehicle!"

Back in the safety of the base, Comet and Bee were listening to the action through Ratchet's com link. He'd left it open sneakily so Comet wouldn't miss out on his 'awesomeness'. They could hear the 'Cons falling and Ratchet yelling victoriously. "Hoo-ah!"

"Hoo-ah!" Comet repeated from his place in Bee's arms and raised a clenched servo in the air. Bumblebee thought it was cute, but questioned if the sparkling should be hearing this.

Within minutes the majority of the Decepticons present had been defeated, not leaving much fighting for the medic's 'late arriving' team. But one Decepticon miner had the audacity to attempt to escape. Ratchet wouldn't have that.

Ratchet chased the 'Con to the top of a cliff, where he didn't even get 30ft before he was smacked down with a boulder. Getting up was a futile idea because Ratchet stood on him and practically ground him into the Earth. The medic thought about just simply terminating the 'Con. But no, he had a better idea.

Ratchet demanded to know Megatron's warship's location. The 'Con refused of course, and told him to "get melted". Ratchet smirked with a 'productive thought' and transformed his servo and glared.

"Melted? Now there's a concept.."

Still listening, the word 'melted' sent shivers through Comet's little body. He didn't understand it but he knew it was bad. Bee debated whether or not to shut the com link off. He decided to wait to hear what happened.

Despite the threat, the 'Con refused to speak. So Ratchet had 'no choice' but to begin his interrogation and started burning his victim's faceplate. The 'Con's agonising screams could be heard by Optimus, and most certainly by Comet. The little sparkling whimpered at the horrible noise and buried his faceplate in Bee's chestplate. Quickly Bumblebee turned off the com link and held the distressed youngster comfortingly. This was unacceptable. He was going to kill Ratchet once he got back.

Elsewhere, Ratchet's interrogation ended and he ceased the torture. Preparing to put the 'Con out of it's misery, he was halted by the Prime's intervention. As a result, the 'Con escaped. At this point Optimus knew Ratchet wasn't well. His old friend would never perform such volatile actions. The medic was scolded for breaking protocol. Ratchet was having none of it.

He accused his leader of being 'soft'. That he didn't destroy Megatron when the opportunity arose. Optimus had no choice to confine Ratchet to base until he regained his sanity. Like that would stop the Doctor of Doom.

After being forced through the Groundbridge and arriving back at base, Ratchet didn't move from the inside of the device. Bee glared at him angrily while Comet looked at him sadly, a twinge of fear mixed in. The medic took no notice of either 'bots and awaited his opportunity.

Once Bulkhead came through, Ratchet seized his opportunity and shoved the olive mech back through with considerable force. Comet whimpered and clutched Bee even harder. He watched as his Sire raced back through and vanished.

The sparkling's mind was all over the place. What had he just seen? What was wrong with his Sire?


A while later the team were able to locate Ratchet's signal, and they departed swiftly to retrieve him. All except Bee of course. With his Sire missing Comet needed someone he trusted to look after him. The sparkling was inconsolable. He just wanted his Sire back. His loving blue-eyed Sire.

The team came back around 10 minutes later, grave looks covering their faceplates. Between them Optimus and Bulkhead were carrying an unconscious Ratchet. Comet saw him even before Bee and waddled over quickly. Once he saw them he became even more upset. There was a massive dent in his Sire's chest with Energon pouring out, his frame almost completely consumed in it.

The medic was lay down on the medical berth and immediately worked on by Optimus. Energon drips were attached and the bleeding slowed.

"Sire?" Comet asked desperately and lightly brushed the mech's arm. His thoughts travelled back to earlier in the day, when Ratchet was unconscious. He knew this was worse.

Optimus glanced down at the sparkling, his faceplate a portrait of regret. Comet cried and shook Ratchet's arm furiously to provoke a response. Anything. Ratchet didn't wake.

"Sire!" Comet screamed with tears flowing down his faceplate. Bee gently pulled him away, much to his distaste. He squirmed and fought as hard as he could to get back to his Sire. Bee hugged him tightly and rubbed his back as he sobbed. The scout watched as Optimus did what he could, and after what seemed like hours Ratchet was finally stabilised.

Bee gave a mechanical sigh of relief and looked to the exhausted sparkling in his arms with a small smile. ::Your Sire's gonna be okay.::

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