Little Wheels

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Fluff alert :3


Comet was ecstatic that he now had a new friend to play with. He showed him all his toys proudly and dragged him around to each of the Autobots introducing him as "my fwiend Jacky". Wheeljack however, wasn't as keen. He didn't 'dislike' the kid, but he's not really a kid's person, so he just let Comet do his thing and went with it.

Soon enough Comet sweetly forced the Wrecker to play with his cars with him. The sparkling had the Hummer and gave Wheeljack the Camaro. Ratchet was watching over them from his workstation and occasionally would lock optics with Wheeljack. The Wrecker's expression was a subtle cry for help. Ratchet simply chuckled and did a bit of work. There was no way the mech was getting away.

After only 5 minutes Wheeljack couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't built for little kid's games. Then he had an idea.

"Hey kid. Wanna race?"

Comet looked up from his toys and cuddled Floofers. "Wace?"

Wheeljack nodded with a smug smirk and stood, thankful to stretch his cramped limbs. "Yeah. Not with the toys. Just us." Within seconds the Wrecker transformed into his vehicle mode, which was now thankfully Earth-based. He revved his engine, signalling he was ready to go. The noise also attracted all the other's attention.

"We doing this or what kid?" Wheeljack asked a little impatiently. Comet stared at the now-transformed mech, then looked back down at himself sadly.

Wheeljack transformed back and looked at Comet with confusion. "What's the problem?"

Ratchet had been watching the whole time and thought it now best to intervene. He gently picked up his sparkling and sternly looked at the Wrecker. "Comet has yet to obtain a vehicle form."

Wheeljack frowned. "Why? All of us had vehicle modes at his age."

"Because.." Ratchet began, trying quickly to think of a valid excuse. He knew Wheeljack was right, but he was afraid to take Comet out of the base. Just remembering his sparkling's close call with Knockout was enough to scare him. He shifted Comet slightly in his arms and sighed. "It's too... dangerous for him."

Wheeljack scoffed slightly, earning him a scolding look from Bulkhead. "He'd be fine if you all went with him. It'd be a 10 minute job. In and out."

Ratchet shook his helm and tightened his grip on Comet slightly. What if something happened? They were almost too late last time. He couldn't let Megatron harm Comet. He just couldn't.

"I don't--"

"Ratchet, I believe Wheeljack is right." Optimus stated suddenly. Everyone looked quite surprised that he agreed, especially said Wrecker.

Ratchet looked at him shock. "Optimus. You know what happened last time. Knockout almost had him."

"In that situation Comet was alone. This time he would be escorted and heavily guarded." Optimus proposed with a trustworthy manner. The other 'bots nodded in agreement.

Ratchet still shook his helm and turned to go to his berthroom when a servo on his shoulder stopped. He looked around to see Optimus beside him. "Ratchet, he would be safe. I swear on my spark."

Ratchet thought for a moment, then glanced down at Comet, whom had an inquisitive look on his faceplate. The medic knew that face. Comet wanted to go.

Ratchet sighed and nodded hesitantly. "Okay."


The Groundbridge swirled open and Optimus stepped through, blasters at the ready. Bumblebee followed quickly, as did Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Arcee, and finally Ratchet bringing Comet. The medic held Comet's servo anxiously as they walked and was more on-edge than ever. Raf was in the base on Groundbridge duty as Ratchet had insisted that everyone be there in case they were attacked.

The bridge had opened in a second-hand car dealership. Ratchet had frantically checked it out for any potential dangers or 'Con activity before they disembarked. It seemed safe enough. Plus it was after hours and the sun had just gone down, so any humans being around was unlikely.

The team lowered their weapons but stayed alert, just in case. Optimus motioned for Ratchet to come forward. And he did with the up most caution.

"Alright Comet, pick one." Ratchet said encouragingly and lead the little one over to where the cars were parked. There wasn't much choice really, nothing special, just you're everyday average cars.

Comet looked at the cars and frowned slightly. None of them were appealing. And they were so big.

Ratchet noticed Comet's distaste and pointed to an old Volkswagen Beetle. "What about this?" Comet shook his head. His Sire sighed and started looking for alternatives. Wheeljack on the other servo thought he'd already found one.

"Psst!" Wheeljack hissed at Comet and motioned for him to join him. The sparkling slipped his servo out of Ratchet's (somehow without him noticing) and waddled over to him. The Wrecker was stood by the management's office next to something one of the boss' kids must have left behind.

"What about this?" Wheeljack asked and pointed down to the kid's electric ride on. It was a blue Ford Ranger. It sported bulky tyres, extra lighting over the small backseats and a smooth, glossy finish. One that would make Knockout/Cherry himself envious. It may have been a toy for children but the car still possessed working headlights, vinyl seats and was made from real metal and not cheap plastic.

Basically it was perfect.

Back with Ratchet he'd found another car model he deemed suitable for his sparkling. But when the medic turned to show his child he found he was gone.

"Comet!" Ratchet yelled in panic, alerting the rest of Team Prime. He spun around frantically searching. His spark was pounding at a million miles per hour. He knew this was a bad idea. "Comet where are you?!"

"Relax Doc he's fine." Wheeljack said cooly and strolled back over. Ratchet glared at him. "Where is he?"

A bright set of lights approached them, accompanied with beeps. The team looked in anticipation and saw another little Ranger drive up. An orange one.

"Comet?" Ratchet asked in disbelief as the car came to a stop just beside his peds. The vehicle itself was only about the size of the medic's ped and to be honest it was adorable. The sections of the car began to separate. Metal grinded and gears shifted as the vehicle transformed back into Ratchet's little sparkling.

"You found an alt-mode I see." Ratchet chuckled lightly. Comet responded by jumping excitedly, making everyone smile. The sparkling truly was the sweetest thing they'd ever seen.

Ratchet smiled and nodded to Wheeljack as a sort of apology, and also a form of thanks. The Wrecker returned the gesture and Optimus contacted Raf, telling him they were ready to return.

A Groundbridge opened seconds later and Ratchet lead Comet towards it. Optimus was just about to say his famous line before they went back... But a certain little one beat them too it.


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