Cybertronian Biology

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Short filler chapter because I'm currently dry out of ideas :/

(Well I have one, but it's for the end of the story.)

If anyone has ideas for chapters please do tell...


Now Comet had acquired a suitable vehicle mode, Ratchet thought now would be a good time to start educating him. Back on Cybertron, sparklings of Comet's age would attend special classes of various topics ranging from Cybertronian Biology to Literature, all situated in purpose-built academies. In the absence of such facilities, Ratchet and Optimus agreed to teach the youngster the best they could. 

The medic decided to begin with basic anatomy as he was an expert in the subject. He sat Comet on the platform beside his workstation and pulled some diagrams up on monitor. The little sparkling cuddled Floofers and stared as Ratchet pointed to the different parts of the body.

"That's the helm.." Ratchet said. "And that's the chestplate, and the servos.." 

Ratchet changed the diagram, displaying the same model mech, but with servos transformed into blasters.

"What they?" Comet asked with interest and pointed to the weaponry. 

"Those are his blasters." The medic explained. "Mech's and Femme's servos can transform into tools or weapons, like this." Ratchet's right servo transformed into a blowtorch, then into a blade, then back into a servo. Comet cooed in awe and clapped his own little servos, accidentally dropping Floofers in the process. His Sire picked the bear up and handed it back to his child. 

Comet gave Floofers a hug as a sort of apology and glanced down at his servos. He held one out straight, then started shaking it up and down. Ratchet stared at him with a look of confusion.

"Comet what are you doing?"

The sparkling in question looked up but continued his action. "Want bwaster."

Ratchet nodded and gently grabbed his sparkling's servo to stop it moving before he hurt himself. "That's not how you do it."

Comet pouted in disappointment. "How?"

Ratchet smiled slightly and transformed his right servo once more as an example. "You have to... think about it transforming. Like when you turn into a car." That was the best way the mech could explain it really. For him and the others it was just second nature, like wiggling your fingers or moving your leg.

Comet stared at his servo intently and willed it to transform into big badass blasters like Bee's and Optimus'. After a few seconds nothing had happened. Ratchet watched expectantly, but also anxiously. Comet narrowed his optics and emitted a small growl as he tried harder. Still both his servos remained intact.

Tense moments passed as the sparkling tried so desperately to gain a weapon, but after the first minute his Sire knew it wasn't going to happen. Comet grunted and dropped his servo. Ratchet gave him a sympathetic look, but his Comet just looked down at his peds in shame.

Ratchet sighed. "It's alright. You can try again in future."

Comet sniffed and a few Energon tears snuck into his optics. He held Floofers tighter and his bottom lip trembled. "What I.. do wro-ng?.."

"Nothing, you did nothing wrong." Ratchet said honestly and pulled him into a hug. "You're just too young to have weapons." 

Comet sniffed and hugged his Sire back with one arm, the other still clutching the bear. "Weally?"

"Really." Ratchet promised. It was a fifty-fifty chance that Comet would have been able to do it. All sparklings developed at different rates. But he knew Comet would one day be able to wield weapons.

He just hoped that his precious sparkling would never have to use them.


Apologies for the crappiness :/

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