Rescue (+Babysitter) Bots

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Sorry for the long gap between updates. Shits been going on at home and stuff's not great right now, plus last couple of months was when all my college assignments were due so I had to finish those.

That and I'm just lazy 😜

So if this sucks sorry. Tried to make it long to make up for it.


Optimus drove across America from Nevada to Maine to reach Griffin Rock. And even though this took almost 48 hours, little Comet stayed quiet within Optimus' trailer. No matter how long it took the sparkling was determined to surprise his God-Sire with a muffin. Optimus had no idea he was carrying a passenger, and the residents of Griffin Rock had no idea they were getting a extra visitor.

Optimus pulled into the firehouse, parking up as the rescue crew came over. Optimus transformed to properly greet them, leaving his trailer sat behind him. 

"Optimus, good to see you again." Heatwave greeted, shaking the Prime's servo.

"Welcome back, Sir." Chase also added, standing beside his leader as Optimus too shook his servo.

Blades gave him a happy smile as Optimus came to him next. "Hi Optimus! How's Bumblebee?" He asked cheerfully.

"Bumblebee is well." Optimus answered as he shook Blade's servo, then Boulder's servo last. "In fact, much has changed since my last visit."

"Has the war gotten worse?" Chase queried with a raised eyebrow, as the trailer's door popped open and a certain someone snuck out, unseen by the other 'bots. 

Optimus shook his helm. "No, but there is something else I should tell you all about--"

He was cut off by Blades' excited squealing. The others all jumped and turned to see Blades cuddling Comet, who was cuddling him back and holding the box of cakes in his servo.

"Optimus brought us a sparkling!" Blades cheered and jumped excitedly. "I love him!"

Chase and Boulder's jaws dropped in shock. "I didn't think there were any sparklings left.." Chase commented while looking at Comet in wonder.

Heatwave simply face palmed with a groan. "A kid? You've gotta be kidding me..."

Optimus looked kind of mortified that Comet was there, mostly because he knew Ratchet would be freaking out with worry. "No no! I didn't mean to bring him here." He carefully took the sparkling from Blades. "I'm afraid he already has a Sire." 

"Awwww." Blades whined in disappointment.  

Sighing, he looked down at Comet. "Why were you hiding in my trailer, young one?"

Comet giggled and opened the box, showing the cakes within. He held the box up to him, offering him one. "Muffwins!"

Optimus facepalmed with a sheepish groan. "Ratchet will be so worried..."

Heatwave came over, looking at Comet not very enthusiastically. "So he's yours?"

Optimus shook his head, sighing at Comet. "This is Comet, and he's our medic Ratchet's sparkling."


Back in Jasper, Nevada...

Ratchet wasn't worried.

He was frantic.

"Where could he have gone?! How could the 'Cons have got him?!?" Ratchet ranted worriedly while trying to track his son's signal like the time he snuck through the Groundbridge.

"Ratch' relax." Bulkhead said gently, standing back in case the medic hit out at him. Said medic turned and looked at him in disbelief. 

"HOW CAN I RELAX WHEN COMET'S MISSING BULKHEAD?!" He screeched and hurled a wrench, Bulk barely dodging with a shriek. Ratchet went to pick up another wrench when the comm link buzzed, meaning someone was trying to get in contact. 

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