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College has been hepatic, but fun. Apologies for the lack of updates.

Now, some people have been asking why I've put Comet through the bad things I have. Well guys, because that's what happens in life. Yes, it's a fictional world, but it's still a story about a parent and his child. And in family life, things go wrong. Nothing is ever perfect. Trust me, I know all to well.

And I think it's important people understand that. Bad things were always going to happen, no matter how hard Ratchet fought to prevent them. So the message of this chapter is to show that everyone makes mistakes, but that's okay, as long as you can learn from them.


When Optimus and the others returned from the mission, they were hit by the freight of their life. One of the first things they saw when they came through the Groundbridge was little Comet: lying weakly on the medical berth with Ratchet stood beside him, his expression of pure guilt. 

As you can imagine, Bumblebee was p*ssed. 

The scout rushed to Comet's side in a mad panic and shook him gently to get his attention. Comet looked at him weakly. That's when Bee saw his optics. Still a light green from the Synth-En. His spark stuttered slightly in fear for the little sparkling. How the hell did this happen?! The he realised..

"Ratchet, what happened?" Optimus asked in shock. The Prime came and stood beside the medic sportively. Ratchet didn't answer. He couldn't even face his old friend out of shame. 

At this point Bumblebee turned to glare at Ratchet, growling lowly. Optimus frowned at him, and was about to ask why he was in such an angry mood. But Bee 'talked' first.

 ::He gave Comet Synthetic Energon!::

Optimus turned to Ratchet in extreme shock, not fully believing his scout's accusation, but still having to ask. "Is that true?"

Ratchet shakily glanced over at Comet, his spark hurting guiltily as soon as he laid optics on him. Tearing his gaze away, he squeezed his optics shut. "I.. wasn't watching him.. I was too busy working. He said he was hungry and I.. I told him to go away."

Bumblebee's gears clicked in anger. His optics also got smaller. Optimus' expression was neutral as always, but Ratchet could sense disappointment. 

He sighed heavily. "Comet.. went off and somehow got into what was left of the original Synthetic Energon.."

Optimus nodded silently. "I see." 

Ratchet gulped quietly and looked away. He awaited his punishment, and to be scolded. In his opinion, he deserved the very worst they could do to him.

::YOU DID THIS TO HIM!:: Bumblebee whirled angrily and stomped over to him. ::IF YOU'D BEEN WATCHING HIM HE'D BE OKAY!::

"Bumblebee." Optimus said warningly. Ratchet said nothing. He just took it. And the scout wasn't done yet.

::You're his Sire!:: He beeped, getting right up close to his faceplate despite Optimus' protests. ::You're supposed to protect him!::

Bee shoved him backwards angrily, not that the medic fought back. The scout looked him dead in the optics and said one last thing:

::You failed him Ratchet. You don't deserve to be his Sire.::

"Bumblebee!" Optimus yelled again, this time almost threateningly. Bee glared, then stomped away towards the berthrooms in irritation. Ratchet faced away from both his leader and his sparkling silently.

"He didn't mean that, old friend." The Prime said gently and placed a servo on the other mech's shoulder. "He was angry. He just needs time to collect his thoughts." 

Ratchet shook his helm and half-turned to look at Optimus. "No... He's right. I did this to Comet. I failed him."

"That is not true Ratchet." Optimus replied seriously. "It was an accident."

"An accident I could have prevented if I was watching him."

"You weren't to know." Optimus said gently. Ratchet shook his helm again. There was a lot of self-doubt going through his processor right now.

"I didn't look after him when he needed me. I let him drink that poison I created."

Optimus tried to speak. No chance now.

"And it isn't the first time, is it Optimus? Knockout almost took him because I wasn't watching him. I tested the Synthetic Energon on myself without thinking of his well-being. I didn't even notice when he was getting sick!" Ratchet ranted, each example bringing back painful memories for him.

The medic turned fully and faced his leader. "Optimus. I think.. you should become Comet's Sire, instead of me."

Immediately Optimus knew his answer. "No, old friend."

"Please Optimus. It's clear I can't look after him properly. He'd be better off with you." Ratchet said surely, but sadness and pain was obvious. The Prime shook his helm and gently unshured the mech to where Comet was lay recharging. Ratchet could barely look at him. The guilt was too much.

"Ratchet. When we first found Comet and brought him here, you were the only one who had any idea how to look after him. For the last few months you've cared for him, loved him, and protected him. Yes, you may have made mistakes. But there has never been a parent that hasn't. But you can learn from those mistakes. Old friend, Comet chose you. He has bonded with you." Optimus said slowly, gently and confidently, each word spark-felt. To finish his mini-speech, he repeated what he had said when he first encouraged Ratchet to except the role:

"He needs you."

Ratchet took a few moments to take the Prime's words in. Some of him wanted to believe it, but there was still doubt.

Then suddenly little Comet started to whimper and cry in his sleep. Ratchet looked down at him and instantly knew he was having a nightmare. But given recent words and thoughts was hesitant in acting.

"Sire?.." Comet cried out fearfully, his plea also reaching through the bond. Ratchet felt his desperation. All doubt was clouded by parental instinct as he carefully scooped Comet up and held him close, his little helm resting on his chestplate. He rocked him and kissed his helm lovingly. Now he knew that despite what he'd done, he couldn't give up Comet. His Comet. 

Despite his faults and mistakes, Ratchet was Comet's Sire. And that wasn't going to change.

Ratchet cooed gently and held his sparkling closer, whispering comfortingly to him.

"I'm here Comet. And I won't ever leave you."

Ratchet's Sparkling 🧡 Transformers Prime [Officially Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now