A Bad Influence?

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Hello once more! And here we are again! Thank you to everyone who took part in the polls to name Comet's teddy bear! The results are in:

Floofers - 13 votes

Steve - 4 votes

Snowy - 12 votes

Alfie - 5 votes

Twinkle - 2 votes

And Floofers wins by 1 vote! 

Letting you guys pick the name was an interesting change. I may run more polls in the future.

Also thank to everyone for sending in suggestions for Comet's vehicle mode! I've picked it and it's the cutest freaking thing ever! You'll see in the next chapter



Comet now really was spoilt for choice with playthings. Now with the addition of the teddy bear named 'Floofers' and the toy Camaro the little sparkling was suitably entertained. Of course, he still loved to play with his Sire. Ratchet was basically healed now and cleared for duty. The team agreed to put the events of the last few days behind them and to move forward. 

Now able to work once more, Ratchet divided his time between doing work and spending time with Comet. Now he wasn't working on Synthetic Energon he wasn't as busy and didn't have to unintentionally neglect his child in the process. 

Ratchet and Comet where playing with the Hummer and Camaro when the Groundbridge swirled open and the team returned from Energon scouting. Optimus came through, followed by Bumblebee, then Arcee. But no Bulkhead.

Ratchet looked up from their game and frowned at the absence. "Where's Bulkhead?"

Arcee gestured to the still open bridge. Whoops and cheers began to emanate from the green void, followed by 2 mechs strolling through. One was Bulkhead, and he looked exceedingly pleased. Then the second came through. Once Ratchet saw him he grumbled.

"You've got to be joking."

The mech smirked and stood by Bulkhead. "Doc."

Ratchet glared slightly. "Wheeljack."

At this point Comet looked up to see why his Sire had stopped playing and saw the new 'bot. He stared up curiously, making Wheeljack finally notice the sparkling.

"Um..." Wheeljack said slowly with wide optics, not having any words. Comet stood up and waddled over to him with bright optics. Wheeljack froze and just stared at the youngster. 

Ratchet smirked slightly at Wheeljack's uncomfortableness. "That's Comet."

Wheeljack nodded while Comet smiled up at him. "And he's--"

"Mine?" Ratchet said on his behalf. "Yes he is."

"Right.." Wheeljack mumbled and glanced around, wanting to exit this conversation. The 'bot's gaze was once again directed downwards when he felt a light tap on his leg. Comet wanted his attention.

"Who you?" Comet asked innocently to the mech.

"Wheeljack." He answered plainly, still rather uncomfortable.

Comet took a couple of seconds to register, then grinned and hugged Wheeljack's leg. "Jacky!"

Wheeljack stiffened and tried to shake the sparkling off while Ratchet laughed. "I don't do hugs, kid."  

Comet let go and whined quietly, but didn't leave or move away. He looked the new mech all over, and noticed the lone grenade strapped to his waist. "What that?" He asked pointing to it.

Wheeljack smirked and unhooked the device, tossing it lightly in one servo. "This?" Comet nodded with great interest. Wheeljack knelt down to give the sparkling a better view, holding the explosive a few feet from him. "It's a grenade. Makes a hell of a 'boom'."

"Ooh!" Comet cooed, liking the 'boom' part and reached out to touch it. Ratchet's optics widened in panic and he quickly snatched the kid up. Comet whimpered in distaste at being moved and his Sire glared at the Wrecker. "Are you insane?!"  

Wheeljack shrugged and strapped the grenade back onto his waist. "Relax, Doc. I wasn't gonna let him touch it."

Ratchet simply grumbled and turned to take Comet away. The sparkling protested and managed to wiggle free and waddled back over to Wheeljack with a mischievous smile adorning his faceplate.

"Comet." Ratchet called sternly, prompting said 'bot to look back and pout sadly. Ratchet's spark ached slightly whenever Comet looked unhappy or scared. He sighed. "Okay. You can play with 'Jacky'."

Comet grinned and jumped for joy. Ratchet glared at Wheeljack once more, but not as harshly as before. "If he ends up playing with any kind of weapon I will melt you."

"You got it Doc." Wheeljack said simply and Comet started showing him his toys. Ratchet kept a close watch from afar, just in-case Wheeljack 'casually' pulled out his swords. Comet was having fun though, so tolerating the Wrecker was just about worth it. But the medic did worry that said Wrecker may rub off on his sparkling. 

Nah, he was sure he'd be fine. Ratchet would just have to make sure Comet knew that weapons are not toys. Damn he'd have to lecture the sparkling every time Wheeljack visited. 

He still knew that Wheeljack was going to be a bad influence though.


The people wanted Wheeljack. Who was I to disappoint? ;)

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