The Angry Wrench God

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Filler Chapter!

Haha soooo I've been reading the Muffin War Thread's theories on Comet's creators, and I'm enjoying them.

I'm not confirming or denying any of them XD

There's only 2 other people who know who they are ;)

Let me know who you think are Comet's birth Carrier and Sire in the comments/reviews! ;3

I had a different idea for a chapter originally, but I suddenly felt inspired ;)


*Amendment to Ratchet's Wrench Throwing Guide: it is acceptable to throw wrenches at anybody (including Optimus) if Comet is hurt/endangered/upset.*

*Protect Comet at all costs.*

So Comet dropped Optimus in it by accidentally mentioning the lava incident, and consequently got the Prime in trouble.

And let me tell you, Ratchet was not happy.

Now, Ratchet has rules when it comes to using his wrenches on others. In a harmful way. He swore never to wrench Optimus Prime, not Bumblebee, Arcee perhaps, and yes always to Bulkhead, and Wheeljack when he was around.

But Optimus had allowed Ratchet's Sparkling to be in danger. That was unacceptable. And overruled his wrench laws. The others were then utterly speechless (and very afraid for their own lives) when they saw Ratchet pick up his biggest wrench he owned, and lob it hard right at Optimus, it bouncing off his chassis as he was thrown backwards and slammed into the wall behind him.

Satisfied, Ratchet then plucked Comet from Bumblebee's arms. He glared simply at the Prime.

"Put my sparkling in danger. I hurt you. No matter who you are."

Optimus, however, could barely hear him. Ratchet had hit him so hard he was barely conscious.

"Um.. Ratch.. I think you hurt him bad." Bulkhead mumbled, quietly in fear of receiving the same punishment as Optimus.

Ratchet glared and strolled off wordlessly to his and Comet's berthroom, holding him close as the others attended to the Prime.

"Why you wrench Oppy Sire?" Comet asked as the medic went and sat on his berth with the sparkling in his lap.

Ratchet paused, before sighing heavily. "Because he allowed you to be in harm's way."

Comet frowned, sensing his Sire's sadness through their bond and cuddled up to him gently. "I okway Sire."

The medic smiled at that and held him tight and protectively against his chassis. He kissed his small helm gently. "I know I know, I just.."

Comet tilted his helm. "Ywea?"

Ratchet paused, his expression serious, but also worried. "I can't let anything bad ever happen to you. I couldn't live with myself if you were hurt.."

Comet frowned more at that, feeling a deep pang of worry within Ratchet's spark. He was scared. Scared of losing Comet. More like terrified.

The sparkling snuggled tighter up against his Sire, burying his faceplate in the medic's neck cables. His contentness shone through the bond and sent a wave of reassurance over Ratchet. His sparkling was safe, and happy, and home.

And so for now, Ratchet could cool off and relax.


A while later, Ratchet was stood, working to repair the Groundbridge while Comet played with Floofers on the workstation beside him. Ratchet had not let the kid out of his sight since he'd got back. And considering his accidental adventure to Griffin Rock wasn't the first time he'd done a disappearing act, it was doubtful that Ratchet would ever let Comet out of his sight again.

Optimus was sat on the medical berth was a considerably large dent in his chassis from where the angry dad had wrenched him. The Prime wasn't seriously hurt (surprisingly, considering the force he'd used). Just a little disoriented, the dent..

And mentally scarred from his medic attacking him and then patching him up afterwards.

But Ratchet was mostly ok with Optimus now, having kind of forgiven him.

Optimus wasn't going to bring it up again. For self-preservation purposes.

"What dwoing Sire?" Comet asked, gazing up at him and setting Floofers down carefully.

Ratchet looked away from his work and down to his son with a small smile, mostly smiling just because his little sparkling was there and happy. "Just doing some work."

"I hwelp?" He asked, grinning innocently.

Chuckling lightly in amusement, Ratchet nodded and pointed to his tools. "Could you pass me a screwdriver, please?" He asked, pointing to it.

Comet giggled and picked up the screwdriver, waddling over to Ratchet and carefully handing it over.

"Thank you Comet." Ratchet smiled, setting it down on his workbench. He then pointed to the frame welder. "Can you ask Arcee to help you bring that over?"

Comet nodded and went to do so. Bulkhead happened to be nearby and picked it up first. "I got it Ratch."

Ratchet immediately stiffened, fearing for the tool's wellbeing. "Bulkhead. Put it down."

"It's alright Ratch', I got--"

He didn't even finish before he'd broken the frame welder.

And he didn't have time to run before Ratchet screeched angrily and picked up a wrench.


"I NWEEDED THAT!" A little voice yelled, cutting off a shocked Ratchet. A pained yelp could then be heard from Bulkhead as he was hopping around on one ped, holding his other yelping.

Ratchet looked down slowly to see his little Comet, holding a small wrench with a prideful look on his faceplate.

"Hoo-ah!" He giggled, looking to his Sire for approval.

Ratchet, for a moment, stayed still in shock. But he quickly laughed in delight and scooped his kid up, cuddling him joyfully and spinning around. "I'm so proud of you my little mech!"

Comet giggled happily, still holding the wrench. Ratchet decided he could keep it.

He'd need it for when Ratchet would soon teach him how to make a helm shot with it.


Its midnight as I'm posting this and I'm tired but I wanted to finish and post this before I went to bed.

Hope it's ok :)

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