Speedy Sparkling

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Damn guys I didn't mean to worry ya all so much 0_0

(OMP guys I was replying on a rp while in college and my new mate Phoebe looked at my phone and asked "Who's Ricochet?" So I started to panic, turned off my phone and screeched "NO-ONE!" Then she said "are you writing a fanfiction with an OC in?" And I was forced to say "..yeah..". No worries though. She said it's "cute".)


Almost an hour later, the Autobot's mission ended and Ratchet could finally stop his work coordinating and ordering them. The mission had been successful, the Decepticons had been forced to retreat. But little did Ratchet know there were currently bigger problems closer to home.

Sighing in relief of being freed from duty, the mech turned away from the screen. Then he remembered that Comet had wanted his Energon. 

"Comet?" He called out after not seeing him. "I'll get you your Energon now."

No reply came. 

Ratchet frowned slightly. "Comet?" Still, no reply. 

Suddenly, Ratchet felt something through their bond. It was.. strange. Indescribable. But it felt wrong... something was wrong. Now he was definitely worried.  

"Comet?!" Ratchet yelled and started to check everywhere. Every room. Every corner. Leaving not one spot unchecked. It was only when he reached the lower levels he found any trace of his sparkling. Because Ratchet found one of his storage cabinets open, and a jar smashed all over the floor. The medic's spark froze in panic. He knew there was only one thing he kept locked up in there. And he prayed to Primus Comet hadn't gotten to it. 

"No no no!" He mumbled, hoping his thoughts were wrong. 

Quickly, he ripped the doors open more, and found that the last remaining jar of Synthetic Energon was indeed gone. He saw no trace of it on the floor. Not one drop. And that meant Comet had drunk the whole jar. 

"Oh Primus no.." He whispered fearfully and forced himself to tap into his bond as hard as he could, trying desperately to feel his sparkling, and try to workout where he was. But he couldn't feel him properly. It was like there was a sort of static. Something was distorting the bond. Could only have been the Synth-En. 

Ratchet turned away from the scene and quickly resumed his search, now knowing it was even more imperative that his sparkling be found.  He searched the the other storage rooms thoroughly, calling the kid's name out the whole time. But still, no reply came. Not until he reached the berthrooms. 

Upon reaching his and Comet's shared berthroom, the revving of an engine and a screeching of tyres could be heard quite distinctly. Within seconds Ratchet burst into the room and saw a blur of orange speed past his peds and an unnatural speed. It was obvious that the Synthetic Energon had gotten to Comet and was affecting him strongly. The little range rover sped away down the corridor before he could be stopped.  

"COMET!" Ratchet yelled and ran after him as fast as he was able. Despite being an adult, the Synth-En still gave the sparkling the speed necessary to stay ahead. No matter how hard Ratchet tried he couldn't catch up.

"Comet stop!" The mech shouted pleadingly, but the sparkling didn't listen. He sped into the main hanger and drove in loops around Ratchet once he got in there. Comet drove around almost tauntingly, staying out of his Sire's reach. 

"Comet come here now!" Ratchet ordered seriously, only to be ignored once more. It was only when the sparkling tried to drive through the medic's legs Ratchet was able to grab him. Holding him securely, Ratchet picked Comet up off the ground, prompting him to transform. Ratchet's spark ached once he saw Comet's optics. The sickly green of the Synth-En had bled into the usual bright blue and had taken him over.

And he knew it was his fault. 

Comet tried hard to wiggle free, his increased strength helping, but his Sire refused to let go. Still the sparkling tried to escape. Feeling full of regret, Ratchet held Comet to his chestplate and hugged him tightly and lovingly. Just like magic, the sparkling stopped squirming. 

"I'm sorry Comet.. this is all my fault.." Ratchet said sadly and held his sparkling closer. Comet looked up at him briefly, then nuzzled him with a small whine. Softly, the medic stroked the child's helm and took him to the medbay. Laying him on the medical berth as he did when Comet was sick, Ratchet hooked him up to an regular Energon drip to flush out all the Synthetic Energon from his system. His optic's colour had begun to fade, suggesting that the Synth-En was already wearing off, but refuelling was still a good idea.

Especially considering this whole mess started because Comet was hungry.


He's fine! Panic over.

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