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Hey again!

So a couple of things. I wrote a oneshot about Ironhide as a sparkling! You can read it on all my profiles, also wrote a thing about Smokescreen getting his own human partner, so yeah that's up to.

Oh yeah! Almost forgot. Me and @Ice-Ninja have adopted 'Hidey as our sparkling. Ice is also currently writing a fabulous Transformers fanfic called "It Started In A Barn". It's really cool and funny and if you like this story I guarantee you'll like his! :)


2 days later, Comet was much better. 

His fever had decreased, and his optics were no longer discoloured or pale. The sparkling also was walking again but Ratchet insisted that he didn't transform until he regained his full strength. His Sire still watched over him like a hawk though. Ratchet is a total helicopter parent.

On that day though, Optimus and the others had gone out on a mission, just like usual. But unfortunately Arcee had gotten injured, meaning Ratchet had to go out into the field to help her. The kids were in the base at the time, so they got the joy of babysitting.

Ratchet said a quick goodbye to Comet before departing swiftly. The sparkling whined and tried to follow him (again). Fortunately this time Raf closed the Groundbridge in time.

Comet pouted sadly once the bridge closed and looked at Jack. "Where Sire?"

"He's.. Gone out." Jack improvised quickly. "But he'll be back soon."

In response, Comet's lower lip trembled and tears lined his optics. "Want Sire.."

Jack went silent, unsure of what to do. 

"Hey Comet!" Miko called out enthusiastically while sat on the couch wielding a Xbox controller. "How about a videogame?"

Comet's optics brightened a little. "Ooh!" As fast as he was able, he waddled up to the platform and sat behind the couch. Jack came and plopped himself down beside Miko. "Whatcha playing?"

Miko shrugged. "Slenderman."

Jack's eyes widened in concen. "Seriously? You'll scar Comet for life! And God knows what Ratchet will do to us?!"

Miko really didn't seem bothered. "Relax dude. He's like 3 years old. He's too young to even understand it. It's fine."

Jack just shook his head, got up and left in disbelief. "Its your funeral once the others find out."

Miko didn't reply and resumed her game with Comet watching closely. Unsurprisingly, she was quite far ahead already, and had the volume up loud. She played through effortlessly, finding every object needed without much trouble. But then, the static started to appear, signalling the antagonist was closing in.

"Scrap." Miko muttered and worked to get away. Little Comet tilted his helm to the side and stared at the screen in confusion. He'd watched Raf play games before. But they were nothing like this.

And while he was thinking, he was caught off-guard when Slenderman popped onto the screen suddenly, his blank, lifeless face burning into Comet's soul. Miko winced as Comet screeched in fear and fell backwards off the platform, landing with a thud. 

"Comet!" Raf exclaimed and rushed over. "Are you okay?"

Prompted by the sparkling's scream Jack came running back in. "What just happened?!"

Miko stood from the couch and leaned over the railing above them. "I died in-game and he just freaked out."

Jack brought out the 'I told you so' face. "I told you you'd scare him!"

"Dude, it wasn't even that scary. He's fine, right Comet?" Miko said confidently and looked down to said sparkling. He wasn't fine. He was pale, trembling and his optics had shrunk to the size of watermelons.

Jack grumbled. "Miko I told you it was a bad idea!"

"He's not even crying, don't worry." Miko said somehow calmly. Raf was just staying out of this.

"He's shaking! Jack yelled back. "You've traumatized him!"

The sound of the comms activating went off loudly, making Comet jump and whimper. "Slendy.."

Jack put a hand on Comet's arm comfortingly and glared at Miko out of the corner of his eye. "It's okay, 'Slendy' isn't gonna get you because he isn't real."

The comm opened and Optimus' voice came from the other end. "Rafael, open the Groundbridge."

Jack gulped nervously and gave Miko a look as Raf opened the bridge. Comet stared at the green unsurely, but calmed a little once he saw Bulkhead come through, then Bumblebee, and then Ratchet, who was helping a limping Arcee. None of them seemed to notice Comet's state as they were too concerned with their injured comrade. Jack ran over to his guardian quickly. "Arcee you okay?"

Arcee shrugged as Ratchet examined her leg. "Nothing that'll keep me down for long. How was babysitting?"

Jack shuffled a little. "Well--"

"It was fine. Totally fine!" Miko cut across quickly. She really didn't wanna get in trouble.

Ratchet looked up for a moment and gave them an odd look, then went back to working. Optimus returned after a minute, coming through the Groundbridge. Comet watched and started freaking out again. All he saw was a tall, intimidating figure emerging from the void.

"SLENDY!" The sparkling shrieked, making everyone jump, and transformed, then sped downstairs at full throttle. Ratchet watched go in confusion and Bee ran after him quickly. Optimus heard the commotion and had a rather confused expression along with the medic.

"Is something wrong?" The Prime asked simply. 

Ratchet glared down at Jack and Miko. "Everything was fine, was it?"

Miko chuckled nervously and played with her hands. "I may have.. accidentally.. scared Comet."

 The medic grumbled a little. "How?"

At this point Bumblebee reentered, carrying the sparkling with him. He was still shaking. The scout handed the youngster to his waiting Sire. ::He said 'Slendy' was coming to get him?::

Bulkhead's optics widened and he too glared at his charge. "Slenderman?! Seriously Miko?"

"Slender-what?" Optimus asked, seriously confused.

Bulk sighed. "A game character that looks scarily like Soundwave."

Miko backed up a little in means of escape, but the angry medic was already reaching for a wrench. 

This is why you don't let Miko babysit.


I'm pretty sure you all know what Soundwave's nickname is gonna be ;) 

I think it's safe to say Miko's screwed.

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