Past Goodbyes

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[Music -  "Goodbye" by NightsAmore]


Cybertron - The Final Days of the War.

The War was nearing it's end, and both sides knew it. The planet was infected to the core from the conflict, the death. The arrogance of those who stepped on others to rise to power leaving their world unable to support life.

Primus had seemingly abandoned his children.

The Well of AllSparks was dead. Another Cybertronian life would never emerge from it's once rich source of life. And those who remained knew they had to leave if they wished to live.

One fateful night, in the still Autobot occupied city of Iacon, the world already looked at it's end. The sky was filled with fire as Decepticons continued to attack the city's defences and were close to breaking through. Screams of the falling soldiers filled the air, that was suffocated with ash and dust. The sparkless bodies lay in the way of those who still stood to fight. The explosions and screams and gunfire were so loud and intense, the battle so fierce that many civilians saw this as the apocalypse. The end of the universe.


Through the ash and fire and bodies hoards of parents emerged. Scared, desperate Autobot parents that clutched their precious sparklings to their chassis to shield them from the sight around them. They were running, risking their lives in a last desperate attempt to save their children. Their destination: the launch pads. Where the mighty starship, The Ark stood as a beacon of hope to those wanting to escape. The terrified parents thought that Optimus Prime must have the ship launch that night. They could not stay or they would risk slaughter at the servos of Megatron.

Across the city stood Optimus himself. Among his team as they fought against the Decepticon army that was attempting to break through and seize the Ark to prevent their escape. At his side stood his most trusted allies. Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus, Jazz, Prowl, and many others as they fought to keep the city safe. Though one of his closest and oldest friends was unaccounted for.

Ironhide had been at his side earlier, but he'd vanished a while back now.

As Optimus looked from his position across the city, he saw the small army of parents risking their lives to reach his position, with their precious children in hand, he knew where Ironhide had gone. Who he had gone to protect.

Leading the group of parents was Ironhide himself, yelling for those who followed him as they entered the battlefield to stay close. With him he dragged a adolescent Autobot Femme who shared his red and black colourscheme.

"Faster!" Ironhide barked at those who were starting to fall behind, which they could not afford to do now as they entered the crossfire separating them from the Ark. The group was tiring, the stress and pace exhausting them at the worst time. Including the young 'bot Ironhide was practically forcing to keep running now as she started to tire.

"Ricochet! Keep moving!" Ironhide yelled roughly to her, yanking her as he quickened his pace as the gunfire descended onto them. Decepticon gunfire from those attempting to seize the Ark. Some of the parents were hit and fell to the ground, cries of pain escaping them as some fell still.

Ironhide was on his highest guard, stopping quickly and using his own body to sheild Ricochet from the bullets, holding her tight to him with one servo as his free one held a gun that fired at their assailants. To clear a path for them to get through.

But there were far too many Decepticons. Thousands stood in between the hope of escape and them. Not even Ironhide and the determined parents could break through all of them. The children would be taken by the 'Cons and the adults would be slaughtered.

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