Chapter 1 - B

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"Red!" He shouts louder growing agitated quickly.

Again, silence.

"RED! GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE NOW!" He roars at the top of his lungs up the steps. Grunting in annoyance I slide off the comfortable bed, Not bothering to change from my unicorn pajamas as I exit my room and quickly head down the steps. My feet bare on the cold floors.

Reaching the bottom of the steps I look up at Dimitri with a innocent smile, fake of course. He glares at me, looking down at my outfit and cursing under his breath, like what I'm wearing actually matters for once.

"Fuck...There's no time to change. He's already getting irritated" he mutters to himself. Suddenly gripping my upper arm in a vice like hold, he drags me into another room. The room we use for balls and ceremonys. I don't squirm in his grip, because I don't know what he's talking about.

Dimitri doesn't get this rattled over hardly anyone, and I say hardly anyone because he's petrified of three people. Alpha Marlos, Alpha Novak and the Devil Alpha, as some call him as.

"Behave and obey him, and he won't kill you. Make him happy, or I'll kill you myself. Got it?" He hisses low in my ear before we reach the large crowd of crying females. There wasn't a single one of them that didn't look completely petrified. The room gave off an awful death.

"Alpha please, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to disrespect you" I plead with him, hoping to god that the man he's talking about isn't who I think it is.

I've heard a few rumours about the Devil Alpha. And none are even remotely close to being even half good. Usually I don't believe rumours unless I hear it coming from the source, but with this particular Alpha, I'm not so sure. I don't want to believe the rumours, but, they seem to be highly unlikely that they're not true.

"But you did, Red. If I can't control you, then this Alpha certainly will." Are the last words he says as he drags me by my arm forcefully to the front of the females. The room falls silent, about fifteen men were staring at my unicorn pyjamas like I've just escaped an asylum.

Well, all except one guy. He's taller than the rest, more buff and certainly had a look of pure evil on his extremely handsome face. He looked like a god with his bronze glowing skin, and his athletic sharp jaw line, and his perfect plump lips, but the darkness plastered on his face said otherwise.

Seeing what I'm wearing his buff tribal men just sneer down at me, as if I'm some pathetic child, or scum to their superiority. They give me the kind of look that a man of god would give to a willing street whore. Fury runs in my veins, I couldn't stand the way they looked at me.

"Speak." One man orders from the main guys left side, his thick accent giving me the impression that English isn't his first choice of tongue. He's sounds Lithuanian.

"What would you like me to say?" I sneer boldly.

I didn't care if these men came from the fucking fiery pits of hell themselves, there's no fucking way I'm going to bow to any of them, even if they're extremely good looking. My Alpha has betrayed me by offering me to these men like I'm merely a common pack member. He knows my worth, and he's just handing me over. That's even if they want me, which doesn't seem to be the case. They seem more interested in the crying females than the loud mouthed cocky girl in unicorn pyjamas.

The same man steps closer to me with a dangerous glint in his eyes, a murderous glint to be exact. With his movement the entire room falls deadly silent, a pin could have been heard dropping. His leader only watches without emotion, he didn't even seem to be paying attention. He doesn't care if the man hits me or rapes me, I'm not his problem. The man approaching me slaps me hard across the face, and for the second time today I find myself falling to the cold ground.

LUCIFER *editing lost chapters*Where stories live. Discover now