Chapter 19

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Shaking off the pain, I toss the empty needle into the trash, feeling the affects wrap around me skin like chains, binding my temper.

Stretching out my cold aching body, I pull my hood up over my head to cover my damp braids, knowing I'll most likely catch a deadly flu in this bloody cold weather. Even with leggings under my jeans, and spandex under those, I know I'll feel the cold nipping at me. Despite my sports bra, t-shirt, jumper and hoodie, I know that in an hours time my chest will heavy with the beginning of a cold.

The weather was more durable before the Elders arrived, mainly because I stayed wrapped up and I didn't go outside. The snow has gotten worse, it feels like the goddamn Antarctic out there.

"Morning sunshine." Luka mocks childishly as I enter the kitchen.

The scowl of my face is enough for him to think that today will be a fun day to annoy me. Last night is forgotten about, my attitude in front of the pack without consequence.

"Fuck off." I state, my voice irritated.

"That's not a very womanly thing to say." He taunts me as I make my routine hot chocolate.

I grit my teeth, my skin prickling as I feel myself wanting to be angry, again being held back to brittle annoyance.

"Luka, stop taunting her will you." Micheal scolds him from across the kitchen, always knowing when it's simply the wrong day to piss me off.

"It's not my fault bitches can't take a joke." He retorts, and then snorts.

My hands twitch.

"Get it? Bitches, female dog?" He continues, chuckling to himself.

Faster than he can blink my mug of hot chocolate shatters in his face, scolding him. He yelps in shock, jumping from his chair as my hot drink drips from his face and cloak.

"What the fuck!?" He splutters, glaring at me murderously.

"I am not in the fucking mood for your bullshit today! Now sit the fuck down before I break your legs and make you." I threaten him in a stone cold stone, gripping the counter to refrain myself from physically punching his fucking lights in.

The entire kitchen is silent, the savages staring with wide eyes and gaping mouths, immediately I step back, realising that I shouldn't have done such a thing in front of prying eyes.

"When did you take the shot?" Elijah questions me, already checking the back of my neck as he pulls my hood down.

"Mhm, just now. Didn't we talk about waiting an hour before you mingle?" Elijah sighs.

"I wanted a hot chocolate, it's not my fault this fucking moron can't keep his goddamn mouth shut when-"

"Go back upstairs." Elijah tells me softly, cutting off my rising tone.

I stare at him, my nose scrunching up as I look at him with a scowl.

"No." I refuse instantly.

"Yes." He tells me.

"I'm not going upstairs-"

"Yes you are-"

"No I'm-"

"ENOUGH." A menacing voice silences is both, only momentarily as we both turn to scowl at the man.

"Do not order me, Boy." Elijah snaps.

"I will do more than order you if you continue to attempt to control her." Lucifer snaps right back, approaching us with absolutely no care for consequences.

LUCIFER *editing lost chapters*Where stories live. Discover now