Chapter 1 - D

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Pulling his shirt over my head with a grumble of disbelief I throw my pajamas and towel in the wash along with my panties and bra.

Leaving my hair to dry naturally, I brush my teeth at the sink and then exit the bathroom, switching off the light as I pass the doorway.

Instantly I felt his eyes on my bare legs. Long, smooth and tan, as are many other places. His dark eyes darken even more, transferring from hazel to obsidian black in a heartbeat. As I grew closer to the bed i grow nervous, noticing that his loose basketball shorts had begun to look strained around his crotch. His erection straining against the material as he eyes me with complete and utter hunger.

I should have just worn my underwear, even if they are dirty. At least I wouldn't have been naked under his shirt.

Pulling back the soft sheets I slide into his bed, making sure to stay near the edge. As far away from him as possible. Laying down with my head on the incredibly bouncy pillows I pull the sheet up my body, hiding everything from his view. I kept my eyes on him, not trusting him to stay on his side.

He clenches his jaw and shakes his head, turning back to his papers as he scribbles down whatever words.

"What are you doing?" I ask him not moving from my spot of heaven. He doesn't raise his head from his papers, talk about rude.

"Signing the transfers from 6 weeks ago" he tells me casually, not once looking up.

"Can you see in the dark?" I question him.

"Yes, why?" He replies, giving me the most basic and boring answer I've ever heard in my life.

If he's going to be like that.

Tossing the blankets from my body I crawl on my hands and knees over to him. He freezes hearing me move. I purposely lean my body across his, and over his papers to reach the lamp. His shirt stretched up my body exposing the bottom of my butt cheeks, I hear him groan deeply in the back of his throat.

And then I switch off the lamp.

"Next time don't make it so obvious that you can't be bothered to speak to me" I whisper in his ear through the darkness, before completely pulling away from him and crawling back over to my side.

Getting back into the bed I pull the blankets over myself once again, and close my eyes. Facing away from him.


The next morning I woke before Lucifer. So I climbed out of the bed silently and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door softly behind me. After using the toilet I flush it, and head over to the sink. Wasing my hands and grabbing my toothbrush, squirting a generous amount of minty paste onto it before scrubbing my teeth and mouth clean. Spitting it down the sink once I was down I wipe my mouth and wash my toothbrush out, placing the cap on the head and putting it back in its spot.

After freshening up with a quick shower I head into Lucifer's closet.

What to wear...what to wear.

Grinning I take down one of his cotton shortsleeve T-shirts, a plain cerulean blue one that I knew would look great on him. But even better on me. So I pull it over my head and over my arms, the neck hole now under my armpits. Taking the right short sleeve I pull it across to the other side and tuck it down neatly. And then I take the left side and tuck it down neatly. Looking in the mirror I smile proudly at my achievement, it's not model material but it's all I've got for now.

Exiting the closet I run my fingers through my hair until it's smooth, and then using my hair band I put my hair into a tight high ponytail. The tips of my hair still brushed over the bare skin of my shoulder blades. With no underwear, and no shoes I decided that I needed to go shopping. As comfy as his tops are and as great as they smell, I can't wear them forever.

"Lucifer!" I call loudly in his ear, after examining his peaceful and serene face.

His eyes fly open quickly, snapping up to mine as he sees me standing next to the bed. Quicker than lightening he grabs me, and rolls me onto the bed under him. I yelp at the sudden action, Glaring up at him with annoyance. He just looks down at me, and blinks. And then he looks down at my dress, and he blinks again.

God! Is he always so annoying in a morning?

"Is that my top?" He questions gruffly, his voice sleepy still which I found adorable. But I'd never tell him that obviously.

I give him a look of confusion. "It's my dress" I state slowly so his retarded mind could understand me.

"Alright smart ass" he growls. Someone's pissy in a morning.

"Was it my top?" He questions again, narrowing his hazel eyes down at me. Daring me to lie to him.

"I needed something to wear, it's not like I was going to prance around naked. And by the way, you need to get dressed" I inform him.

I feel something digging into my abdomen, and I look down confused. Only to groan when I realise it's Lucifer. Again.

"Lucifer, snap ou- OH MY GOD" I gasp out feeling his long thick fingers cup my bare delicate lady parts. He groans above me, his eyes shifting obsidian black with hunger and lust.

"Hey! Get your fucking hand off my snatch! Pervert!" I angrily seethe, Shoving him with all my strength away from me. Being stronger than me he didn't go far, but it was far enough for me to quickly slide off the bed.

I can't believe his hand has just been on my no no place. The sacred land that no one has ever touched before.

"You have to take me shopping" I state, not looking at him as I backed further towards the door. Being in the current mood he's in now, it's possible that he could rape me and not even care. Of course I'd probably love every second of it seeing as I can't seem to help myself with him, but then I suppose it wouldn't be rape.

Lucifer looks down at his hand and then back towards me, his eyes rolling my body. His hazel orbs land on the dress covering my intimate parts, he looks intently as if he can see straight through the dress.

"You're not going out like that, everyone will see you" he growls possessively. He steps down from the bed, raising to his full height. I look away and reach for the door, opening it quickly.

"Do you have any suggestions? No, good. I'm leaving in 10 minutes, fix that" I state, pointing towards the obvious mountain in his basketball shorts.

Before he could respond I quickly back out of the door and close it, practically sprinting down the hallway to ensure he can't drag me back inside.

Note to self - lucifer is extremely horny in a morning. Make sure to wear proper pajamas, with a padlock to keep them up. And maybe some electric wire to zap him when he touches me.

LUCIFER *editing lost chapters*Where stories live. Discover now