Chapter 6 - A

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Feeling someone watching me I slowly open my eyes, blinking away the blurriness of sleep. Turning my head over to the Lucifer I gaze at him for a moment, before realising that he's staring at my ass.

"Good Morning." I mutter with a smile. His eyes flash up to my face, a grin spreading over his plump lips. His hair slightly messy from last nights activities.

"Good morning you sexy thing." He flashes me a wicked smile. Biting back a grin I turn my head away from him, and sit up in the bed. Leaning down I grab the silk robe from the floor, and put it over my bare body, covering my flesh as I stand up and walk into the bathroom. He groans and mutter something about me spoiling his fun.

I chuckle and close the bathroom door behind me. After using the toilet I head to the sink, turning on the hot tap as I wash my hands and face. Looking up in the mirror as I dry my face and hands on a small hand towel, I realise my hair is messy and knotted, thanks to Lucifer keeping me awake through the night. My cheeks are flushed, and my lime green eyes sparkle with happiness, unlike when I was at Dinitris pack. Maybe it's not being here that makes me happy, maybe it's Lucifer that makes me happy. He makes my world beautiful, he gives it colour.

Maybe that girl, Angelina, was right. Maybe I have already fallen in love with him...

Shaking my head I brush my teeth thoroughly, as I bend down to spit the last bit of toothpaste into the sink, I notice something strange on my leg. Cleaning out my toothbrush I wipe my mouth before curiously inspecting the marks on my inner thighs.

Bite marks, and hickeys.

"Lucifer!" I growl out, wrapping the silk dressing gown around me properly as I storm into the bedroom. He casually looks over at me, raising his eyebrow in question. I glare at him.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" I ask angrily. The calm look he gives me only angers me more. I know he knows what I'm talking about.

"You weren't complaining last night." He states, frowning slightly at me as he stands from the bed. Immediately I feel blood rush to my cheeks, humiliated with his words.

"You're such an asshole." I growl, storming into the closet. Grabbing fresh panties and a bra, along with white ripped knee skinny jeans and a light grey jumper. Without uttering another word to him I head into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Putting my clothes on the sink, I remove the silk rope. Glancing in the mirror, my eyes widen in shock.

Mother fucker.

Purples hickeys cover my hips, under boobs, along my collar bone, and even down the centre of my spine.

When the fuck did he put them on my back?

Thinking back to last night, I realise that's what he was doing when he woke me up. I wondered why my back felt strange but I never said anything. Know I know why, I'm going to kill him.

Getting in the shower begrudgingly I quickly scrub my skin thoroughly. Once I'm done I climb out and dry myself off, quickly getting dressed. After brushing my hair and putting it up into a simple French braid, I toss the towel in the laundry and leave my dressing gown where it is.

Walking out of the bathroom I head into the closet. Putting on a pair of white socks I slide on some shoes and exit the closet.

"Red, I need to tell you so-"

"No, I need to tell you something. You shouldn't have marked me, even if it's only temporary. It's not right, Lucifer." I snap at him as I head for the door. He growls menacingly at me, with both irritation and anger due to my words.

"It is, that's what I'm trying to te-"

"Stop! I don't want to hear it." I growl cutting him off again. Opening the door I walk out, shutting it roughly behind me. Quickly heading downstairs I walk outside, looking over the pack members as they stroll past.

"Hey! You." I call out to a nearby man, knowing it'll anger Lucifer more once he realises I'm not here, and I'm with a male.

The mans head turns, I wave him over to me. He approaches me with a confused expression, obviously weary of why I want him.

"I need you to take me into the city." I inform him firmly. He looks at me for a second unsure. I tilt my head and growl at him. He jumps and quickly pulls his keys from his pocket, nodding his head.

"This way." He leads me to the garage, towards a sleek black Audi.


"Do you have any money?" The man asks as he pulls to a stop at the side of the road, the streets busy.

"No. Come back at seven o'clock, to this exact spot. Oh, and thanks for the ride." I flash him a grin, before shutting the car door and walking into the mass of humans flooding the streets. If he tries to follow me, he won't find me.

To be honest, I really just need to feel free for once. I haven't lived normally for over nine years, one way or another I've been trapped.

Walking down the sidewalk my eyes wander over the buildings and shops, there's so much in the city, and this is only one street. Imagine all there is in the world?

As I wonder around different streets I spot a park up ahead. There's no one on it, it's empty. So I walk in that direction. It's been over eleven years since I visited a park, the last time I recall sitting on a swing or slide was on my ninth birthday. That was the last time I remember being truly happy, my family were semi normal, my father anyway.

Heading to the swings I slowly sit down on the flat strong rubber, holding onto the metal chains as I gently sway back and forth on the swing. My feet never leaving the ground.

Being with Lucifer's the best feeling ever. Not just because we're intimate, but because he listens to me, he doesn't judge me, he trusts me. He's annoying, he's sometimes obnoxious, he's stubborn, he's demanding, he's occasionally arrogant, he likes control, he's rough, he likes the last say, and he's very...manly?

But he's also understanding, and kind, and gentle when I'm hurt. He protects me and he has my back, even though he knows and trusts that I have my own. Last night we didn't do anything more than what we've been doing. He doesn't push me, he doesn't ask me to return the favour, he doesn't expect anything from me.

I want to please him like he has me, I want him to feel the pleasure that I do, but the thought of my mate, out in the world, it stops me. I don't want to be just another female that slept with a man before she found her mate. Before lucifer I didn't even second glance anyone, I just wasn't interested.

Being with Lucifer has changed me. Lately I've been noticing just how much I've changed since I met him. When I first arrived here, within two minutes of being on his land I'd killed a woman just because I didn't like the look she gave me. I didn't second question my motives, I reacted with the basic instinct of survival. Kill, or be killed.

But now, I have to take trips into the woods so I can back away at a tree to release my anger.

Now I'm allowing a man that isn't my mate to touch me intimately.

Now, I'm turning soft.

And I hate it. I hate the feeling of being vulnerable, like when I'm not around Lucifer. I have become to used to him making me feel safe that I've been relying on that feeling he gives me. I've let myself need someone. I've let myself fall for him, completely. him. How am I supposed to just walk away when he finds his mate?

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