Chapter 12 - B

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Pulling up outside the grand manor, I pay no mind to the guards surrounding the well secluded property. It appears lost in the sea of trees, like an old castle that no longer fits in with this century. However old it may be, even I cannot deny the sheer beauty and history of this place.

Exiting my car, I toss the keys to Hendrix as he approaches.

"It's been a long time, Argent." He greets me, without a smile.

"Not long enough." I retort quickly, heading past the large brute.

As I waltz down the incredibly long hallway, my eyes take in the familiar paintings decorating the walls. Multiple centuries, and with each passing one the faces remain the same, each of the three remaining Elders are situated in the paintings. Surrounded by either extravagant balls or luxury, the odd one even proclaims a battle. Stories that the Elders have told me about, almost like a mother does a child before bed. Except in these stories, there's always a monster, one that is defeated with both strength and cunningness. Traits that the Elders are more than proud of.

Turning from the last painting, I step towards the large library when a figure immediately makes me halt. My usual mood immediately brightens when I meet his warm eyes, and he smiles beamingly at me.

"Elijah." I greet, a faint smile appearing on my lips as I approach the never ageing Elder.

Despite not being one for cuddling, I don't turn away as he wraps me in his comforting arms. Arms that helped me through the worst time of my life.

Burying my head into his shoulder, I breath in his soothing scent, feeling myself relax a little.

"I've missed you, little Argent." He tells me with a deep sigh.

My smile widens some.

"I've missed you too." I admit softly.

Moments pass before we part, Elijah doesn't follow me as I head straight up to my room. This is kind of a ritual, I greet those who are here but my first priority is to cleanse myself.

The shower washes the blood away, in doing so it restores my mental serenity. Unless I'm on a job, I tend not to use violence, especially in this mansion.

The elders have been good to me, more than good, without them I would be dead. Quite literally, they saved me in every way possible.

Throwing on some slim joggers and a sports bra with a baggy jumper, I add some thick socks to my almost cold toes. As I exit my room I quickly braid my hair, my usual hairstyle.

As always my second priority is a hot chocolate. Weird, I know. Caffeine affects me badly, which I found out over a year ago and I haven't touched it since.

Preparing my hot chocolate in silence, I tap my thumb on the counter top as I slowly stir the hot milk and chocolate powder together. I add a little sugar before pouring it into the mug. Placing the pan aside in the sink, I take my hot drink and head towards the Elders private library.

The guards outside the room pay no mind to me as I pass them, knowing that stopping me isn't a good idea.

"Do my eyes deceive me?" I hear a gentle voice saying.

Turning my eyes to the other side of the room, I place my mug down as Micheal heads towards me, his large stack of books long forgotten. The more observant Elder, he doesn't wrap me in a hug like Elijah did, instead choosing to take my hands and kiss both of my cheeks.

"It's lovely to have you back, we've been lost without you." He smiles warmly at me, standing only slightly taller than me.

I give a small smile, not saying anything. I doubt his words to be true, I know I'm not a lovely person, not like him.

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