Chapter 3 - B

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All night I tossed and turned, unable to find sleep without him. I didn't realise I'd become so used to him being around. I've become...soft. Like I need him.

I've never needed anyone. And since meeting Lucifer, I've been slacking. I've become weak and soft, I've become pathetic. Which is why I'm in training clothes and bribing the four men in the training room to fight me.

"Not a chance." One snickers.

"I'll pay you." I offer, giving him a hopeful look.

One of the men sigh heavily. "Alpha has given his orders. We're breaking code just by talking to you, so piss off before he finds out." He grunts.

The men nod in agreement and grab their shirts, walking around me as they exit the training arena. I don't call after them as they leave, I know it's useless. Lucifer has given the order to completely stay clear of me, anyone who interacts with me in any way will be severely punished. I don't know why he's made it clear to everyone to stay away from me, it's not to protect me, I think it's to punish me. And it's working.

Everyone stares at me, whispers about me behind my back. His order has made it obvious that I'm not one of them, i didn't realise how out of place I actually am until now. It's been half a day, and yet it feels like ten years.

Fuck. It's no use training in combat now, there's no one to challenge me.

Turning on my heel I storm out of the training arena,  slamming the doors open with my hands as I head outside. The rain that almost immediately hits my body doesn't shock me, my body has become accustomed to the cold temperature here. The snow is beginning to melt, turning to slush as it's been raining overnight.

Walking into the woods I enjoy the cold wind blowing against my skin, the rain splashing down on my skin gives me a sense of freedom. I'm free in a way, but I'm also trapped. I can't leave Lucifers land, he won't allow it.

What I said to him was wrong, I know that. I've pushed him and pushed him and now he's snapped on me. I wanted him to touch me, I didn't care that he was using me, but at the same time the nagging thought in the back of my head was screaming at me.  I suppose it doesn't matter now, he won't even talk to me. I saw him outside by his car this morning when I looked out of the window, i only saw him as he got in his car and drove off. I can only assume he's making sure he's not anywhere near me.

Wait...what the fuck is that smell? I thought to myself, wrinkling my nose in disgust as the wretched smell of dirty and rotting flesh practically slams into my senses.

My walking comes to an abrupt halt. A low vicious gnarl circles me, almost echoing around me, taunting me.


As I listen closely I hear only two of them, which I should be able to take out in human form. Rogues are dangerous, if caged they will snap their own bones to fit through the bars. If chained by the paws they will chew off their own foot to free themselves. A dog that rapid needs to be put down. Unlike the average wolf, rogues don't play.

A blue of mucky brown fur flashes in front of me, distracting me as the other jumps from the right. The grey rogue slams my body into the ground by my shoulders, knocking the wind out of me as it pins me. It immediately snaps its dirty stained rotting teeth at my face, I immediately turn my head away from it barely dodging it's disgusting mouth. Using my legs I tuck them up under the rogue and quickly shove my feet up into its abdomen, managing to knock it away from me. Scrambling to my feet I meet it half way as it snaps for me, feigning left I dodge to the right and duck, it's razor sharp claws slicing through the air above my head. Grabbing it by its dirt covered tail I yank it backwards, spinning myself to the opposite side of its body as it immediately swings round and snaps at me, except it's canines meet empty air. Using its distraction as an advantage I lunge for it's throat, my fingers about to latch onto its disgusting neck when it's head snaps for me. Being so close I didn't have time to jump away, so I duck and turn my body.

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