Chapter 9 - B

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Lucifers POV

FUCK! What the fuck was I thinking? How could I be so fucking stupid as to not realise what my own wolf was going to do?

My little Red literally ran from me, she knew the only way to stop the beast inside me was to do something that would endanger her life. To stop the mating. She wasn't thinking of consequences at the time, or that fact that she may very well die, or even lose her wolf.

If she hadn't of acted as soon as she had, I would have raped her, there's no doubt in my mind about that. I hadn't realised how much the beast wanted her until now, he never showed any signs of even being remotely interested in mating. Obviously I underestimated it, but it won't happen again. If my mate survives I'll be shocked if she even still wants to be here. I can't be angry with her if she does choose to leave, this is partially my fault for falling weak for that second. The smell of her arousal is by far the most intoxicating thing I've ever had the pleasure of smelling, that alone has my mind spiralling out of control.

With all the pacing I'm doing up and down the hallway outside the hospital room, I'll be surprised if there's any floor left once I'm done.

It's been hours, four hours to be exact. It feels like a fucking lifetime, waiting, pacing to see if my mate is even going to survive. The only thing keeping me from barging into the hospital room is the weak sound of my mates heart beat. Usually it's strong, healthy and never misses a beat. But now it's faint, barely there as it weakens by the minute.

I've never thought about loosing my mate to death, all of her injuries before today were visible, and she was always the one to reassure me that she was going to be fine. And I always believed her because I trust that she knows what she's doing, she's been on her own long enough. But this, this's highly risky. Anything can happen to her the longer it's in her system, and given that she once faced wolfsbane before I'm not so sure that her wolf is even going to survive this one.

I've never feared the possibly chance of death around every corner. I've never feared loosing someone that I love because I've never loved. Red is it for me, she's everything. She's the moon of my life, the sole person who lights up the world even in its darkest of times.

The doors to the room my little mate is in suddenly open. In a flash I stop pacing and impatiently glare at the male. He wears a blue overall and latex gloves, they have dark red blood on them, my mates blood.

He removes his mask and looks at me with a tiresome expression, but no panic. Which is a good sign.

"We managed to get the wolfsbane in time before it began to rot within her stomach, however we did have to open up her stomach in order to get to it. She's been given morpheme and she will be kept on a drip to help purify her blood of any left over poison. Right now she's stable, there is a chance that when she wakes up she may have damage to her limbs but that risk isn't high. As for her wolf...there's nothing we can do that will help her regain strength. She may die." He tells me with a heavy voice, obviously feeling awful.

Knowing that my mate is stable felt like any weight or worries suddenly vanish from my shoulders. I can't describe the feeling.

I sigh heavily with relief, feeling much lighter than before. And then I realise what he had said.

My eyes snap to his with anger even though I know it's not his doing, he has no idea the affect it has on my mate.

"Don't give her morpheme, at all." I snap fuming, knowing that my mate is going to be stuck in her own fucking hell until it wears off.

"She's going to be in quite a bit of pain when she wakes up, Alpha." He respectfully tells me like I don't already fucking know that. Releasing a low growl I refrain from smashing his head off the fucking wall.

"When will she wake up?" I demand, wanting to know how soon my mate will open those eyes that seem to have stolen a large part of my soul.

"In an hour or so once the morpheme has worn off, however I should warn you that she may not be in any mood to have visitors. She woke up this morning with a healthy wolf, and when she wakes again she will know if her wolf is dying before we will. Loosing our's quite possibly the most painful separation one can feel." He sighs as he glances back into the room with a pitiful cast over his eyes.

Growling at him I bite my tongue, knowing that despite not liking this man he's the best doctor this pack can have.

"Have someone bring today's kill here once she's awake." I tell him. Not waiting for an answer I enter the room, my eyes falling on my mate who has been moved onto a much comfier bed on the other side of the room. The rest of the doctors quickly clean up the room of any signs or smell of her blood before leaving.

Grabbing the chair I carry it with ease towards my mates bed, placing it beside her and sitting down. As she sleeps soundlessly I examine her properly. Her caramel skin is pale, but it's not as pale as before which is a good sign it means she's slowly recovering. Her pyjama top hadn't been taken off, only pushed up under her breasts. A large medical gauze pad covers her stomach, her previous wound that hasn't healed yet has also been covered with a fresh gauze. It's safe to say that I understand why she was given the name Red now.

She once told me that they called her Red due to leaving bloodbaths behind on the battlefield. I know that's not the real reason now but it makes sense. The name Red is more fitting than ever in this moment. She always finds herself in harms way, we just never assumed I'd be the reason, ever.

Looking away from her stomach as that's what I'd been staring at, I finally look up at her sleeping face.

What the fuck!?

With wide eyes I watch as my mates once red/brown hair changes, the roots pale to a white, silver almost before her entire head of hair fades from its usual dark colour to the whitest of white with a mixture of silver. She once mentioned that her wolf was affected physically by the wolfsbane, she said her fur turned white and her eyes became purple.

If her wolfs eyes changed colour, will Reds?

LUCIFER *editing lost chapters*Where stories live. Discover now