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"Am I going to be read my rights?" The woman questioned as she followed behind Clint to board the Quinjet. Handcuffs secured both hands behind her back and Natasha held on to her arm.

"We aren't arresting you." Natasha told her. "We just want to know what you know about HYDRA."

"What's your name?" Tony asked as he stepped out of his Iron Man Suit.

"I thought the Avengers were cooler than this." The woman sat down in a seat and handed Natasha her handcuffs, but she ignored Tony's question. "But the whole shackle-cuffs thing is kind of turning me off."

"How did you get out of them?" Sam asked from his seat on the other side of the jet.

"I don't share secrets with people who arrest me."

"We didn't arrest you." Natasha sat in the seat next to the woman.

"You put cuffs on me." The woman raised her brows and looked away from Natasha. "I don't play nice with people like that."

"What's her name, Wanda?" Steve asked the Scarlet Witch. He was becoming a little moody since the woman wasn't wanting to cooperate.

"I don't want to invade her personal thoughts like that, Steve." Wanda spoke, shaking her head gently. "If it were life or death, it would be different but reading her mind—,"

"Sloane." The woman cut Wanda off as she lifted her gaze to look at Wanda. "My name is Sloane. Don't read my mind. It's mine. I'm possessive of my stuff.... and even stuff that isn't mine. I have this bad habit called stealing. See?"

Sloane held up a wallet and then opened it.

"Snatched it off of your friend over there with the red sunglasses. Samuel Thomas Wilson—,"

"Don't take what doesn't belong to you." Natasha took the wallet from Sloane and tossed it to Sam, who looked absolutely confused as to how Sloane had gotten his wallet without him realizing. "Did you take anything else?"

"No." Sloane rolled her eyes and looked down at her short nails. Another one of her bad habits was biting her nails.

"What did you steal from HYDRA over the last week, Sloane?" Tony asked, looking to her from where he sat in the pilot's seat.

Sloane pretended to zip her lips and then throw away an imaginary key.

"You met Steve the other day when you gave him that note telling him to get everyone out of that restaurant." Natasha nodded her head in Steve's direction. "He's got a friend that HYDRA took a while back and they've been using this friend and torturing him. He's not in the best of moods so you probably don't want to mess with him right now."

"Have we even checked to see if she is the Red Dahlia?" Bruce asked. "She could be someone else."

"Right side, was it?" Steve looked to Natasha as he approached Sloane.


Sloane shifted in her seat and watched Steve. She knew exactly what they were doing.

"Pull up your sleeve, please." He requested, standing, towering over her from her place in her seat.

Sloane locked her jaw and moved to slip her left arm out of her green jacket. Sure enough, both the sunflower and the dahlia tattoos were on her left arm.

"Yeah, I'm the Red Dahlia. So what? I don't kill anyone."

"You stole Russian and Romanian nuclear codes three years ago." Natasha said. "That could've gotten people killed."

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