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"I need to go." Sloane told Steve as she made her way for the elevator.

She had just gotten back from her little mission in Italy with three of the Avengers, but now, she had to leave again.

"We literally just landed, Sloane." Clint told her.

"We've gotta talk things over as a te—,"

"You guys talk things over. I need to grab some stuff from my place if we're gonna be working together and I'm gonna be staying here. I can't just pull shit out of my jacket. I'm not magical."

"You hold, like, thirty things in there." Sam scoffed. "That sounds pretty magical."

"I'll be back in a day."

"A day? Where the hell do you live?" Tony asked.

"Like I would tell you. It would take away the fun." Sloane grinned as she met his gaze.

"Why didn't you tell us to stop on the way here?" Natasha asked.

"Again, why would I tell you?"

"She doesn't trust us." Steve sighed out.

"I'll leave you some things to get your brains working. Maybe you'll have a decent plan by the time I get back." Sloane took a map and a few other papers out of her cargo jacket. "But if not, don't worry. I'll have a plan by the time we figure out where we're going. I'm usually pretty good at improvising."


A day and a half later around noon, Sloane was arriving back at the Tower with two duffle bags of her own.

"So what did you guys find out?" She asked as she approached the table in the conference room that the Avengers were at.

"Absolutely nothing." Tony replied, throwing his tablet down.

"What the hell did you even give us?" Clint asked.

"Um, a map and papers on the few people who are connected to the douche-nozzle who has my brother." Sloane took off her cargo jacket and put it in an empty chair before she took the papers Sam had in his hands.

"Who has your brother?" Steve asked, crossing his arms as he watched the their.

"Thaddeus freaking Jakande. He owned that warehouse in Texas and the floater in Italy."

"Why have I heard that name before?" Natasha asked, looking around the table.

"Haven't we gone after someone with that name?" Bruce met her gaze for a moment.

"He's a HYDRA thug that owns lots of pointless shit around the world." Sloane spoke as she patted down her pockets, only to realize she wasn't wearing her jacket. She went to the seat that held her cargo jacket and dug around for a marker. "He owns a submarine and a jet, both which I hate. They're hideous. That's where I used to think that's where he's keeping Easton. But there's more."

Sloane tapped the marker against her thigh as she started to pace around the conference room.

"In addition to those two things, he has my damn ship."

"You have a ship?" Tony asked.

Sloane stopped walking behind him and leaned over the back of his chair.

"Last person who asked me that ended up dead."

"I was the last one who asked." Steve crinkled his brows together.

"Right." Sloane patted Tony's shoulder and started walking around the table again. "I am not confirming that I have a ship. But if I did, my brother took it and he put it somewhere and that damned Jakande took it. So I'm gonna kick his ass when I find him. I'm kind of thinking they have my brother on my ship."

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