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Alex could feel someone watching her. Her stomach was churning and giving her a bad feeling. She laughed at something Wanda had said, even though she wasn't listening, and looked out over the crowd. Alex choked on her drink, putting her hand on Steve's arm as she coughed harshly.

"Shit. It's the Italians." She put her glass down on the bar.

"What are you talking about?" Steve started to look around but Alex grabbed his suit jacket and made him turn back to her.

"No, don't look." She shook her head. "With me staying in New York, they've get a smaller hunting ground."

"Who are they trying to hunt, Alex?" Wanda asked her.

"Me." The thief looked to the Scarlet Witch.

"What the hell did you do, Alex?" Steve sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Jakande doubled the bounty on my head after I smashed his face against a mirror and made him lose sight in one of his eyes. So now people are even more anxious to kill me." Alex began to put her hair up into a messy bun. "I've got to run."

Before Steve could say anything, Alex was walking away. He let out a sigh and threw his hands into the air.

"She needs help, Steve." Wanda told him. He held her gaze for a few moments before nodding his head. "She doesn't have anyone else."

"I wonder why."

Alex made her way across the room to Bucky. She gave the people the Winter Soldier was talking to a soft smile and slipped her hand around the man's back. Bucky jumped and nearly started cursing her out on the spot.

"I need you to shoot me."

"Gladly." Bucky muttered, thinking she was joking.

"Good. I'm going to count to ten, walk away, and you can choose how it goes down." Alex turned to leave but Bucky grabbed her arm.

"Wait, you're serious?"

"Yeah. I need to fake my death but I need it to be real. I need you to treat me like one of your targets."

"No, Alex. I'm not doing that." He shook his head.

"Okay. Well it's either you or I can have these really awesome Italian hitmen shoot me and hope they don't go for a head shot."

Bucky locked his jaw and looked around the room.

"I'm not doing it, Alex. It's too risky. You're still healing and there's way too many people."

"I'll make sure you have a clear shot."

"I'm not—,"

"I need the world to think I'm dead, Bucky." She cut him off. "Do this for me and I will leave Steve alone."

Bucky met her gaze and thought about it for a few moments.

"If you're lying to me—,"

"I'm not. I swear.".

Bucky rubbed his eyes and looked around them.

"Do you know what happens when someone gets shot with a rife? You're going to need a trauma surgeon within five minutes—,"

"Just aim for my shoulder and I'll do the rest. I'm a good actress."

Bucky grumbled under his breath and shook his head.

"How the hell are you planning on getting out of this?"

"I know someone who's a paramedic." She shrugged her shoulders. "Five minutes."

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