T w e n t y S i x

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Steve entered the police station and almost immediately, all eyes were on him. Everyone knew who Captain America was.

"Captain Rogers?" A man approached him with an outstretched hand. "I'm Sargent Brandon Kendricks. It's an honor to meet you."

Steve nodded his head as the two shook hands but Steve's mind was elsewhere. He needed to see Sloane.

"You must have your hands full with everything that's going on." Sargent Kendricks spoke. "Ms. Romanoff is this way. She has been helping my officers piece together what happened today."

The officer led Steve towards the back of the police station.

Steve's eyes flickered around the room, searching for Sloane. He hadn't heard from Natasha since she called to tell him that Sloane had been arrested.

His heart was echoing in his ears. It wasn't that his heart was racing, it just echoed, thumping loudly in his chest. His hands were clenched tightly by his sides.

"Here you go, Captain." Sargent Kendricks opened the door to a large conference room that had only the Black Widow and a few other local cops in it.

Natasha lifted her gaze up from where she had been reading a piece of paper. When her eyes met Steve's, she placed the paper on the table.

"Can I talk with you for a moment, Romanoff?"

She nodded her head once and left the room.

"It's a damn good thing that Barnes and I followed her here." Natasha spoke quietly as the door to the conference room shut. The two Avengers stood facing each other, wanting their conversation to remain private and solely between the two of them.

"Where is she, Nat?" Steve whispered, his brows drawing together anxiously. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine." Natasha nodded her head and bit her lip for a few seconds. "Her mother was killed during a shoot out between HYDRA and an unknown person."

Steve's lips parted and his shoulders slumped.

"Mia's dead?"

"Yeah. Sloane was there and.... It was fairly dramatic." Natasha sighed gently.

"Where's Bucky?"

"He's safe. He's hiding out from any potential threats."

Steve looked down the hall behind Natasha. He couldn't even imagine how Sloane was feeling right now.

"I need to see her, Nat."

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Steve. She's not being charged with anything here but we don't want anyone to know that we have ties to her—,"

"Screw what might happen later on!" He raised his voice but then immediately realized his mistake once Natasha raised her eyebrows at him. She didn't take being yelled at too kindly. "She-She needs me right now, Natasha. I need to be there for her. Her mother was the last person she had and now.... Now I need to make sure I don't lose her."

Natasha gazed into his blue eyes for a few seconds before nodding her head.

"Okay. Come on."


Natasha led Steve down a hallway and to a room that would allow him to see into the interrogation room that Sloane sat in.

The Black Widow remained near the door while Steve stepped into the room and inhaled sharply at what he saw.

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